
First rule is “the laws of Germany”
Second rule is “be nice to mommy”
Third rule is “don’t talk to Commies”
Fourth rule is “eat kosher salamis”

I’m not proud of this but when we were kids in west London in the mid 1980s we figured out that you could use a windshield wiper shaft, filed down to a point, to both access and start Minis (God knows Mini locks were pathetic). From that point onwards all the Minis of north and west Acton were subject to being

They have to make room for the 2 year old models.

They didn’t report it because it was the first time in 3 years a Taurus had left the lot.

The Ramones could barely play and their music is better than all the jazz ever created.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Limbo Gallardo

I still have the O.S.T. on CD! The whole box set. I’m missing my Wildstyle disc though :(

And so many more things to do!

how many yards did he put up on Sunday? How many did the Vikes? So yeah.

This is dumb and not accurate. It has not always been Brady. Belichick is the best all-time at his profession. Belichick ALSO makes a lot of personnel moves that are counter to popular wisdom and doesn’t bother to explain them. When he wins the Super Bowl or continues to acheive at a high level despite the unexplained

I suspect winning 5 Super Bowls as a HC plus being a key DC for 2 more might make people think the guy’s a good coach. Losing 3 in dramatic fashion doesn’t really alter the calculus for me too much.

As I’m sure many have pointed out, the Colts of all organizations must understand what its like to promise your fan base one thing but end up in a different city because the money was better.

Vice City baby!!!!!

So do the Colts get a banner for this or not?

Did you know it’s Illegal to kill seagulls? It depends where you are, but where I’m from, thats a $100 PER BIRD fine. I learned this cause I was trying to run some over. I Fucking hate seagulls.

A friend of mine from high school would do the same to the seagulls at the local WalMart. I was in the car with him one of the times. No seagulls were killed in the process. Even the ones that bounced off the windshield of his Fiero immediately flew away.

I hope Jim Irsay chokes on this shit sandwich until he dies from it.

Turnabout’s fair play, space creatures!