
The technology to save the environment (if implemented) already exists. It’s called “birth control”. Unfortunately, the major roadblock to implementing this strategy seems to be the biggest quagmire of human advancement: religion.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What about our homegrown hero Santino Ferrucci? After all, he and his Daddy are all about making America “great again”. Maybe he could help snag a cell phone company sponsor.

+1. Seeing a Senna in person is nowhere near a “Wow, cool!” moment. It’s kind of like when you see a plantar wart on the bottom of your foot. 10% intrigue, 90% revulsion.

The new cars made for a more interesting than usual race, although the most interesting part was (Chicago native) Mike Joy doing his damnedest to put on a yokel speech affect for the NASCAR audience. William Shatner could have done a more convincing job.

Big Jet TV is AWESOME! Jerry is a true geek’s geek. Whether he’s talking down a wildly erratic landing or yelling at kids who are nearby shooting at cows with a BB gun, he is a true personality.

Unless this bus has an LS swap (of about 4 engines) or is somehow helping to “Save the Manuals”, we don’t need to see this. We all know that fairy-worshipping hypocritical shitstains like this exist, let’s keep them off Jalopnik please.

I’m sincerely torn. My inner Bill Nye wants to marvel over how cool it is that a private citizen can rent a ride to space, and my inner Bernie Sanders is disgusted that some rich wanker wants to burn 30,000 pounds of kerosene so he can have fresh fantasy material for when he looks in the mirror and whacks off. I guess

“It’s just a Civic . . blah, blah, blah . . . new nose . . . blah, blah, blah . . . not different enough . . . blah, blah . . . huge letters on the side . . . . “

Not to make light of this obviously dangerous situation but I’ll take a wayward reptile on my plane over a drunken anti-masker white trash every day of the week.

Not scared. Until you’ve faced the average Tuesday night crowd in a Forza lobby, you’ve not seen true jackass driving. Bring on C-3PO, bitches.

Kudos to NASCAR for giving it a try but damn, that was dull as dirt. 

All of these shows are bad, but you want to know what else is really bad? JALOPNIK on any mobile platform ever since you money grubbing bastards started cramming a million pop up ads in with your slideshows. Even with lightning fast WiFi and a new iPhone, damned Jalopnik is crashing my phone like Dale Earnhardt (not

I am 100% for making lots of money and buying cool shit, but for one human to have this much money is pushing the concept of Meritocracy a bit too far. Maybe it’s because middle class wages have stagnated in relation to the costs of housing and higher education over the past few decades that has my ass all salty.  But

I wonder how long it’ll take for the virtual salesman to “check with his manager”?

The seemingly fanatical pursuit of Numbers among car makers/enthusiasts has reached a moment of absurdity. The Rolex of Numbers Cars is trying to distance themselves from a customer who was trying to reproduce those vaunted Numbers, possibly legally, to avoid the stench of  ridiculous Numbers chasing. 

While outright racist have always existed, it seemed like they usually kept their bullshit to themselves, grumbling their naughty words under their breath. But over the last few years they’ve become so outwardly brazen and emboldened, like something happened that made them feel more righteously comfortable to spew

It’s okay, according to our Supreme Court, this jackass is a “well regulated militia”. Freedom upheld!

Distancing yourselves from Elon’s bullshit claims is but one path to being taken seriously. But how about encouraging car makers to stop making commercials that show drivers taking their hands completely off the steering wheel while their car magically guides itself through a traffic situation that damn well requires

Many of these bikes are deemed “unrepairable” because some of the parts are not standard industry size. A broken pedal or freewheel can not be replaced because you simply can’t find a replacement part. The shitty parts are unique to that one model.

The “professional courtesy” thing among cops needs to stop. Forever. Seriously, do these bastards truly have pride in their profession if they are helping peers get away with crimes that they are intensely trained to identify and prevent? If anything, they should be proud to weed out and eliminate from their ranks any