
I second Palm Springs! I’m going with a bunch of friends next weekend. It’s 80 degrees there in February!!

A few years ago I decided that I have no interest in maintaining any sort of beauty regimen except for skin care on my face. My regimen is ridiculously complicated when compared to the routine for the rest of my self care which is shower with bar soap and an occasional armpit shave. I love Eminence Organic Skin Care.

Haha. 2 plants. I’m pretty sure Wa state limits you to like 26.

Great article. Thanks for writing it.

Agree. This is amazing. Completely amazing.

Because you only have the option of putting male or female on their chart. And their name has to be their legal name that is used by SS and their insurance. So, in this case, it was a male name, with a preferred female gender/pronouns with male anatomy that needed treatment for that anatomy. There were chart notes

As a healthcare provider, I also find it very frustrating that there is no consistent way to document this. I had a patient that preferred female pronouns, but still had male genatalia that presented with an STD. It is impossible to be medically accurate in the chart and have all providers who are interacting with the

When you are a medical resident all you want in a lab coat is double reinforced pockets to hold 2 days worth of food/water and all the patient information for every patient on the floor because you never have time for yourself.


This is horrific. A terrible and needless death. I can’t decide if this or the descriptions of the 2 executions in Arkansas were worse today.

Get pregnant, then everyone offers you a million pieces of cheese and when you over eat, they think it is totally ok. Except for your husband who knows what the doctor told you. Haha.

This is just beyond annoying. I have such a hard time understanding why other women can’t empathize with each other. My mom voted for the wall; my own sweet mother, wants the wall. (Hangs head.)

Completely agree, if you have to pay to travel to the wedding and you aren’t completely rolling in it, there is no problem with not bringing a gift. I had several friends who drove to my wedding and didn’t bring gifts. I would much rather have them there then a gift. I got tons of stuff from my rich, old

Why would they even print this if it just full of lies? What value does it bring beyond giving him more airtime.

“The Post cites as potential influencing factors our lax drug marketing regulations and the supremely American view that “life is perfectible”—i.e. that pain is unnecessary and avoidable.”

You know who else liked rallies? Hitler.

I think the point here is that this woman doesn’t know her limits. Why did she even go to work when she was having a break down. Does she not feel like she can take a day/week/month off? I don’t. I had a patient experience a psychotic break at work a few weeks ago, and I ended up taking a day off later in the week

No! We are the only nice place left.

“They were certain, looking at me, that I was just them in the past, in that moment Before. Soon, sooner than I could imagine, I’d be in the After. I just had to wait and be patient because my special someone is coming as fast as they can. For a moment I struggled to express that, no, maybe they’re not, and again I

I feel like her passion and her looks are what has gotten her this far (probably ambition, too). She is very emphatic when she speaks, but there isn’t much substance there. She’s not saying anything new. She is just pretty and says it really loud. I think it is confusing for people who haven’t had practice with making