
I know this was posted on Tweet Beat but still applies.


Well done Wells Fargo.

Does he have small hands?

Holy lord as a 34-year-old back on the scene after a marriage I’ve seen it all. I’ve been doing it two months. Most of the guys contacting me have been hot and 21-24, but basically just offering to come over and service me sexually and that’s not my scene. I was thisclose to deleting my account and I was so over it I

:( I tried adopting Melo but he was missing his shots.

This was my main takeaway from this post as well. What kind of wizard is capable of eating a banana without peeling it?


Congrats, Swaggy. I hate you all.

I love that fact that they are using Anne as on their posters!

Sloths are the best.

SOS received.

“Hernandez stumbled back to the party and found her friends. When she told them what happened, they immediately took her to the hospital. Hernandez spoke to police, and her mother flew out the very next day.”

Funny you should ask...

Same. I thought he had done a 180º.