
Can’t wait. Control was my favorite have I played in 2019 -2020 so far.

You must truly be a dumb ass to even try and compare the two.

Yikes. I was playing on PS4 Pro and frequently encountered hiccups and felt much of the game had performance issues. I quit playing partly because of this issue.

Seems she is really vying for the Presidency with her doing everything she can to appeal to Trump’s base. Obviously she and Kanye don’t seem to understand that those people will never truly accept them.

First of all billionaire, yeah in Trump’s fantasy sure. Secondly, that cartoon “billionaire” should have expected jokes at a comedy performance especially when he was perpetuating a racist conspiracy theory that Obama was not an American

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Well Campo Santo is still working on there game In The Valley of Gods.

It truly astounds me how so many pitiful people can so completely disengage with reality, logic, and rational.

I disagree. Independent voters are becoming more important each year. People tend to forget that most elections reach less than 60% voter participation. That leaves a sizable percentage of people which if they could be enticed to vote could dramatically swing an election.

You are worried about the “electoral future of the Democratic party”? You do know there is a madman currently in the lead of the GOP nomination right? Bernie running as an Independent would have been disastrous for the Democratic party for potentially the next 8 years! Seriously people need to get their priorities in

I have never heard him say that. I have for a fact heard him explicitly say that even on her worst day Hillary would be an infinitely better president than any one nominated by the GOP:

Wow, some people just have way too much free time.

Yeah, we should send in thousands of American troops to take on this threat regardless of the cost and number of sympathizers which might be spawned in the process. I say we re-elect the grand President G.W. Bush to restore the honor of this country by reigniting the 'War on Terror' and spending another decade

You obviously do not understand her argument at all. It is not a matter of how many men vs women are killed in these games, it is about how they are killed. The men are often soldiers who are attacking the player for a reason, while the women are often random bystanders, there just to evoke a reaction out of the

Wow, thank you for the info. I never thought Mushi-shi was popular enough to warrant a second season, but I am extremely excited to watch all of this content.

Woah, they made a second season of Mushi-shi. I cannot believe it. The first season was one of my all time favorite anime.The mythology and care with which the stories were crafted were beyond anything I have ever seen in any other anime. Can't wait to check it out.

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Wow that video makes no sense. Obviously that guy blatantly violated Twitters advise policy and is complaining in order to win support for his crusade. I trust Twitter and Anita way more than any of these jerks trying to proclaim she is lying about the blatant verbal attacks eviction are being committed against her

Well it looks nice graphically, but I have only ever enjoyed the storyline of the Final Fantasy Tactics series and so far this games story does not seem enticing. Hopefully the gameplay is at least deep, diverse and most essentially fun.

That is exactly what I would want to happen. Thanks for the info and the fansite.

I am really interested to know how deaths are handled.