
My boyfriend told me that, before we got together, he would refuse to play female characters. His reasonings were pretty weak, as they always are, so I argued that refusing to play as a female was a slap in my face because he saw my sex as weaker and not worthy of video game adventures (then I forced him to start a

Is anyone else allergic to laundry detergent? It's fine when I'm at home because I can use free and clear detergent but it's really becoming a hassle when I travel. It seems I almost always wake up with hives in the morning when I stay at a hotel and it's a real bummer.

So I know weddings, in the grand scheme of things, are not necessarily the most important thing in the world. But I HATED my wedding- bridal shower, bachelorette party, wedding itself. I've been married for three years and it still makes me sad to think about how miserable I was. It wasn't the stuff or the dress or

YOU GUYS! I made this sourdough bread today:

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned an idea I had - but I'm grey, so few saw it. Here goes again:

"STAR TREK, case closed."

87% of US counties have no abortion providers (and there are 3 states with only 1 clinic, and 1-in-10 women has to travel more than 100 miles to reach the nearest provider), coupled with all those "you must wait x days between the initial counseling session and abortion" laws makes procuring an abortion a major

God, I feel like I'm gestating an idiot over here. My babes is 32 weeks and can't even figure out how to face head-down yet. And all those 15 week-ers are touching themselves?

"Everyone has a right to life" if it infringes on the rights of others? Since when? Even if getting pregnant unintentionally was a felony, our legal system still doesn't allow victims of a crime to use the bodies of those who committed crimes against them. Even if their life depends on it, even if it would be a minor

But it's still probably okay to abort a girl fetus caught masturbating, right? Sluts, right?

"I am very disappointed that my son publicly articulated the views I have taught him to privately espouse."

"I am very disappointed that my son is talking the way I would never talk...within earshot of a reporter."

"I am very disappointed that people have figured out I say these words in front of my son at home."

Twerking in public is funny, touching people with your butt and making them move and stop reading/eating/resting/whatever is not.

I'm waiting for the "let me smell your dick" virginity test for men. It would be just as absurd and humiliating.

What stores are you shopping at, because I need to go there. I seriously always feel it is the other way around. I can never find sleeves that are long enough. Most of the time I buy the long sleeve shirts and have them tailored to be 3/4 sleeve.

I have orangutan arms, yo. It's a pain for sure, but y'all can hem your long sleeves...I can't lengthen too-short sleeves. Leaving a couple extra inches is clutch, since perpetually wearing 3/4 length sucks.

This lady reminds me of the time my brother (who was about 2 yrs old at the time, and I was 7) had a weird phobia of my legs. Whenever I'd come downstairs in the morning in just the oversized tee I slept in, he'd always point to my legs, screaming and yelling, "Noooooooo, LEGGGGSSSSS!!!" That's what I imagine this

Is number 3 missing or is it just me?

You're nice and I like you.