
It's all dependent on the type of fabric.

That's a really interesting article! I'm disappointed that Abrams didn't follow through. In my admittedly fangirl mind, I'd love to see Kirk with a dude. He's such a playboy anyways, I think it could totally happen. And I know Pine would be up for it as an actor.

Apparently the three are really good friends (according to IMDB). I call them the Handsome Blue-Eyed Brit Club. I guess Martin Freeman is in that circle of friendship too, but he doesn't exactly fall into the category of handsome and blue-eyed. I'm sure they keep him around because he's a brilliant actor and seems to

I was thinking that as I was watching Star Trek last night. I find that when I'm watching a movie with a particularly strong bromance at the center, the entire time I just wait for them to start making out. I usually iterate this desire by proclaiming, "This movie needs more gay sex!"

This all started while watching

As someone who is a stickler for dressing up to go to artistic performances (I have written angry letters to student organizations I am a part of for allowing students to the symphony or ballet in jeans) it's not a matter of how you enjoy the performance, it's a matter of respect for the performers. They put a lot of

Not the blue-lady one? I was just in the store the other day bemoaning a Gatsby cover with the cast from the movie on it- to me, the original blue lady cover, with the naked women reflected in the eyes, is just so classic and a good example of the cover of a book jiving with the symbolism of the text.

Has anyone else had a problem with their photo streams not updating to their computers? I don't have a mac, but my phone used to automatically update to a photostream folder in my pictures when it was connected to the internet. Since the last major iOS update (2 updates ago) they weren't connecting at all and since

This is a pretty common philosophical problem. It's usually represented by the story, "The Man in the Desert". Basically, a man traveling through the desert has two enemies. Both of his enemies want to kill him, and neither enemy knows about the other enemy. Enemy A poisons the man's water supply in order to kill him.

This is an old article for me to be commenting on, but this is what I got from it: THEY'RE MAKING A SEVENTH SON MOVIE!!! I loved those when I was younger.

Awesome! I pin'd it :)

I don't watch GoT but every time I see her I think of Alanna the Lioness as played by Tilda Swinton.

That horse is all, DO NOT WANT

Commenting to say excellent comment, I hope you get out of the gray soon.

Watching the last episode with Schmidt and Elizabeth, I started screaming SCHMIDT AND CECE FOREVER!!!

Eh, it's a southern thing... I actually have a pair of Nantucket red shorts I got from the little boys section at JCrew (I shop there because I fit and it's cheaper than adult JCrew). I bought them because I liked the color and also I'm rediculously excited to wear them to football games (my school color is red) and

...That's not the ellen interview, that's the original video.


Like rokokobang said, it's the beginning and end of the movie. The whole movie is a coming of age story; she's annoying at the beginning because she's immature and has a nicer voice at the end because she's a grown woman. It's actually really good and has a lot of classic songs in it; I highly recommend it. You can

I couldn't see your picture, so I found another one to help out. I used to do this all the time when I was little.

Like this, right? When I was in ballet I accidentally cut my hair too short for a bun, my teacher allowed me to do two short pigtails for class, like this.