
Watching the last episode with Schmidt and Elizabeth, I started screaming SCHMIDT AND CECE FOREVER!!!

Eh, it's a southern thing... I actually have a pair of Nantucket red shorts I got from the little boys section at JCrew (I shop there because I fit and it's cheaper than adult JCrew). I bought them because I liked the color and also I'm rediculously excited to wear them to football games (my school color is red) and

...That's not the ellen interview, that's the original video.


Like rokokobang said, it's the beginning and end of the movie. The whole movie is a coming of age story; she's annoying at the beginning because she's immature and has a nicer voice at the end because she's a grown woman. It's actually really good and has a lot of classic songs in it; I highly recommend it. You can

I couldn't see your picture, so I found another one to help out. I used to do this all the time when I was little.

Like this, right? When I was in ballet I accidentally cut my hair too short for a bun, my teacher allowed me to do two short pigtails for class, like this.

Is there a reason you don't want any pins/accessories to be visible, like a work thing? I know you can find thin elastic as well as thin hard plastic headbands which match your color and while they don't stand out against your hair it's kind of obvious that something is holding it back...

If you look at the history of sororities, they were established to give women a support group when they were underrepresented on college campuses. They still act that way, providing academic and emotional support for members.

I did Irish dance, not highland, but as soon as I saw those shoes I knew they weren't men.

When you get a bunch of young adults together, shits bound to blow up sometime in the form of a crappy email. I could show you crappy emails from the captain of my dance team or even the advisor of my student ambassador program and he's a grown ass Man. Why choose to hate so much on sororities in particular?

Great post! I feel the same way. The other day in group think I hosted an "Ask a Sorority Girl" that was minorly popular, because I really want people to see both sides of it. Check it out-it's on my personal kinja blog.

This. x50000. Thank you for articulating just what's off about it so well!

The islamophobia I have seen is astounding. I had a drunk person insist to me last night that we just needed to go to war with the middle east to nip this whole terrorism thing in the but and I was dumbfounded... I asked, "you know they're Russian, right?" "But, but..." this drunk person insisted to me, "...they're

Aaand of course there are no digital copies (first world problems) because the book is out of print, but I just ordered a used copy online! Now I'll have one for my kids to read some day. Also LOL at the negative reviews on Amazon... "this is an amazing book blah blah blah but I'm only giving it one star because the

OMG THANK YOU! Sorry this is late (kinja....) but that description for "The Raging Quiet" is perfect!! You have no idea how happy this makes me, that book seriously changed my life and has stuck with me for forever. Off to buy it on my nook now!

While people are jumping on the 'what was that book?' Train, I hope I'm not too late... There are two books I can't remember.

Oh, so Coke is made with "happy" calories, just like it's made with "different" caffeine that makes it alright for Mormons to drink. Yeah, OK. Got it.

Like other people said, steamer! I got mine at Target for like 30 bucks. I kept it in my bathroom and every morning before work this summer I would turn it on while I was brushing my teeth/doing my hair, then it would be ready to go and I would steam my shirt and pants really quickly before I got dressed. People