Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?
Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?
Because there’s not a single guy that wouldn’t want everyone talking about how big his dong is.
I knew a guy in high school who was dubbed Toilet Paper Roll because he supposedly could not fit it inside one. A friend of mine went out with him and confirmed that sex was extremely uncomfortable and required a lot of prep work. I was never more proud of my mediocre as hell dick
Well yes, it’s very uncouth to talk about the size of a woman’s dong.
A friend of mine went to Bard with him - he’s a straight guy playing with queer tropes as a means of performance.
I’m just disappointed because this is the first new band I’ve liked in maybe a decade. I made a concerted effort to look for new music this year, stumbled upon PWR BTTM, and just really dug their sound. Back to the drawing board...
Fuck. This is extremely distressing. I know a lot of folx who looked up to PWR BTTM and needed that kind of queer representation. I’m devastated for the fans, and my heart bleeds for the victims.
Wait seriously confused - did multiple people rape this poor girl or one person - and is this a person that identifies as a male homosexual sexually assault a woman???? - I need a diagram or something
PS Ben is straight and cisgendered and is a motherfucking phony who trivializes queer issues for his own benefit.
lol at “we are currently looking for a mediator with the necessary qualifications” - pretty sure that’s called “the police”.
This is way too bitter and also somewhat insulting.
This is a interesting article and I wanted to offer my perspective as a black woman (cis, straight) who has listened to the podcast since the beginning (I have NOT seen the show apart from trailers, however). The author’s point that the appropriation of black gay culture is rampant nowadays is spot on- I hear straight…
I literally just saw a preview for this on tv screamed and then immediately ran to the internet to see if anyone else was as deeply annoyed by this.
Exactly. I’m also that age, and it was widely accepted that if you got drunk and went to a guy’s room, that *was* consent. (Though even then, I think a lot of us would have said bringing his friends in crossed the line to rape.)
I guess the CBC commentators are a little out of their depth when it comes to unfrozen water. At least they are gold medalists in apologizing.
Does that mean Phelps will also be getting a nude statue once his career is over?
Leoneedle Dick
Boomers caused both bubbles. They are the ones controlling the money supply and the interest rates and they are the ones that decided that investments should be made into various industries. And they are the ones that will soon retire and have the power to suck this country dry.
The soldiers who went to war in the Middle East from 1992-2008 absolutely were Gen Xers. Only in the last two years or so have any Millennials been old enough. (Going with the 1990+ birth range; definitions vary, but that's the one I've always used.)