I always hide mine because I work with socially inept engineers who would instantly ask if that was the reason why I was being bitchy.
I always hide mine because I work with socially inept engineers who would instantly ask if that was the reason why I was being bitchy.
My husband and I are into wine, not super snobby but we do a wine vacation 2 times a year (e.g. We drive to Oregon or Walla Walla). There is a noticeable difference in quality and I hate when people insinuate that we are idiots and wasting our money. That being said, our typical wine de jour is something we picked up…
I was telling a coworker about how I've change tires before and I still didn't pass whatever arbitrary test he had because I didn't use a torque wrench. Always needs a reason why women just aren't good enough.
Governors who enact right to work legislation so I can get more money.
Baggle. And I brought this up to him and got a 5 minute lecture on pronunciation in general.
I guess I say bagel wrong, which annoys the f out of my husband. Good. -_-
Thank god for being an oblivious and ugly kid. Yeesh
A calc professor in college once balked while reading an example from the book that involved a female architect saying 'a woman architect?' While shaking his head. This was my first semester at college and pretty much set the tone. I aced that class too, much to his chagrin.
10 years as a woman engineer for the same company and it is a daily occurrence still.
Maybe I am in the minority here but I was just happy people came to my wedding. If they gave a gift that was a bonus.
I tried to use that once in xcountry. Was demoted to JV for missing practice as he didn't accept the excuse. :-/
People who tip in coin change shouldn't be allowed to patronize any type of place where you would tip (except maybe like coffee houses..) My sister was a waitress and once got tipped 25 cents on a 100 dollar tab. The customers were complaining to her that she didn't look appropriate for a family establishment (she is…
Ha! Even better.
Yeah I dunno if I would have eaten it. I got fast good once late at night, prepared by someone who looked like they had the bubonic plague. Not worth the risk.
I have an unfun work gossip story. My Exhusband and I worked at the same company in different areas (said company has like 30k employees in my area so this wasn't weird) before we split. Because life hates me, I was moved into his group despite pleas to my manager that it would be awkward and horrible. HR cleared it…
My husband was attacked by an owl when he was running. Needed stitches and now we wear hats running near dusk. People give him shit at work but he was pretty freaked out.
I know customers aren't allowed to complain but I've had issues with the skinny vs non-fat thing at Starbucks. Occasionally a barista will assume I meant skinny despite saying non-fat. Sugar-free does terrible things to me so it can be bad news if it doesn't taste 'off' enough to recognize the mistake right away.
*every* raid did that to new people. Hell, during the 10th anniversary reboot people were saying that.