
I didn't do this but a guildmate did.

I used to tell people I never trained the summon spell. Doesn't work anymore since you auto learn it. :-(

ah grays....

I cheated on a geography test in 4th grade. My teacher was reading the questions literally right next to me and I could see the answers through the paper. I qualified for the geography bowl where I was promptly eliminated the first round.

Damn, this is totally me. People always get mad when they ask 'how are you' and I always say okay. It bothers them I am never 'good'. I hate nights. That is when the worst of the thoughts always hit. :-/

Same. Chandler and Phoebe carry that show.

I managed to get through the first book due to morbid curiosity but couldn't do the next two. As someone who had been in an emotionally abusive relationship it was just too much. Plus, the writing was laughably horrid. I felt dumber for having read it.

My conversation with this woman would be vomiting, followed by excusing myself and runninng away.

I've had similar happen. Only it was summer and I was wearing a dress. I had taken a ferry for a day trip out of Seattle and I got my period early. Had slight cramps and hit up the bathroom at the terminal, bought a tampon and hoped any severe cramps would hold out the 45 minutes it would take to finish the ferry

I had that happen once. Pretty sure I left a spot behind on the chair but isn't stick around to find out.

It could also be how severe they are graded on their partial answer if they are wrong.

I got like a 92 on a calc exam in college once where the average was about 40. Prof was CERTAIN I cheated. Even though I took it in the class with him sitting right there. Or the one time I messed up circuits and put them in parallel instead of in series for an equation. 0/20 for the entire quiz since the rest of

There goes my plan of tossing tampons and condoms into the air during certain scenes.

Well this comes as no surprise. After making you have that baby they sure as hell aren't gonna make it affordable for ya!


I think I need to just avoid all stories that involve steak in any form on here.

Seattle has something like 1300 kits from the last 10 years that are untested. One reason for not testing them was 'whether consensual sexual contact was contested' which to me sounds like any contested date rape? I may be interpreting it wrong.

Seriously. If all I had to deal with at work were sexualized comments my job would be so much better. Being uncomfortable is no fun but being held back due to implicit stereotyping is far worse.

They still contact me from time to time. Just nice to have a name for a number instead of getting a string of digits and being like 'ohh that asshole'. I just get to the asshole realization sooner. :-)

Exhusband. He is under 'original douchebag'. I have a lot of long names in my phone..