Royce Harper, Choke Artist

With special guest appearance by Ronald CockDonald

Crack pie?! Fuckin a, brah!

This, this and so much this. They (scummy, butt-hurt GOPers) called it Obamacare b/c they knew their mouth-breathing base would automatically hate it. And it worked. And when Mr Obama himself started referring to it as such, I screamed and hollered. He should have never bit on that, but oh well.

Hey Trump-

I read “take a free shot” and got excited about trying a new restaurant. Boooooooo

Thirty-three and a half that I saw.

If there is a fresh Ruben sandwich that is orphaned, I’ll gladly provide a home for said sandwich.

Arb over 100K? That’s Nutrageous!

Umm, Opana is OXYmorphone, not hydromorphone (branded ER version of that is Exalgo). Both of these are available in generic formulations, exception being that Opana ER was reformulated a few years back into an ‘abuse-deterrent’ form, and that formulation has no generic. There is an oxymorphone ER generic made, though.

Hopefully not enough to scare the bears away from (eating) him.

Just gearing up for Spring Training - monster dongs are just around the corner!

Your argument, though, is full of holes.

Hey Pal, it’s the winter Olympics:

He tuned in just to check out the competition.

That top pic, the lust in Pence’s eyes as he gazes upon young Adam is strong. Don’t show mother.

Starred for the spelling crack. That shit’s the sauce.

Will never have problems with his knees huh?

Nice dis.

A friend from Philly was telling me what they used to use: a fire truck for the Phillies and for the visitors? A gasoline truck. Humored me immensely. #bringemback