
A friend of mine’s father recently got let go from Boeing (in Seattle). They worked very hard to get rid of him because he was on the old pension plan. He watched it happen to multiple others before him. Once they got rid of the people who had been there 20 years or more, then they re-hired a new college grad for the

IA - She definitely needs a LOT more protein (she really should be eating protein with every meal so she doesn’t start losing her muscle mass). I get ravenous if I eat too many carbs and don’t have enough protein for the day.

I do it - I cook all my lunches/dinners for the week and prep my snacks every Sunday. I find it really convenient when I’m exhausted as soon as I get home from work to just pop my dinner in the microwave, eat it, and go to sleep instead of having to wait a half hour to eat while I cook it.

I admit, this is similar to what I eat every week day (6 meals a day). However, I consume a LOT more protein than she does. I actually cook/prep all my meals for the week every Sunday so that for the rest of the week food is hassle-free for me. I know it’s not for everybody, but I like it. (Weekends are my free for

Personally, height has never been a consideration for me since it really doesn’t matter - it’s pretty unlikely that a guy is shorter than me (I’m 5'1"). I’ve dated guys from 5'4" to 6'2", personality is a lot more important to me than height.

Perfect comment is perfect. This made me snort really loudly in the office.


I know I was looking for something at least relatively cheerful after all the bad news... and this... just...


THANK GOD someone said something. I was watching the show (I watch home shows when folding laundry) and there was a very lovely 1920's home with brick outside that was just super cute and had a lot of character- and OF COURSE they painted all the brick white (outside and inside too). It was just awful.

I’m with you. The only thing keeping me going is I’m seriously planning to leave the country. I’m looking into TEFL programs overseas - I need something to look forward to, and it is the only thing stopping me from falling into a serious depression.

TRUTH. My roommate and I are always complaining about how people can’t put down their phones when they’re out and about. We have a mutual friend that will interrupt conversations to show us shit on his phone and it is one of the most irritating things.

Please please tell me your mother named all of you after Greek Gods and Goddesses.

I call beard-only gingers either half-gingers or chingers.

I really really hate the whole “redheads are either SUPER HOT or REALLY UGLY” thing. Or whenever someone tells me “You are pretty for a redhead/ginger.” I will instantly hate anyone who says that.

YES. I went to the same high school with a couple redheads WHO I NEVER MET. Everyone always asks me if I know “Patrick”. You know “the other redhead guy?” No. No I do not. I never met Patrick. I have no idea who he is. But every time I meet someone from high school they ask me if I know him.

I hate the obvious dye jobs. That red-purple color is awful. My ex was always amused because I used to hiss “fake redhead” if we were out and about whenever I saw one.

EXACTLY. Usually for trial, the defendants & plaintiffs agree to limit the number of expert witnesses to ensure that the trial doesn’t last forever (our typical trial is usually about 3 weeks long). So while they may only have 1-2 expert OB/GYNs or 1-2 RNs at trial, they definitely had way more consult on the case.

Yes. Honestly, it’s pretty depressing when we take a case to trial. Most of the time - we know we’re going to lose. We once had the judge give us causation - (so we were 33% of the way to winning the case), and the jury came back with a defense verdict. :(

I work in a medical malpractice law firm - and I get why the defense chose to go to trial. 99% of the time, the defense (doctors) win medical malpractice lawsuits in trial.