
Yeah, I see it as she’s promoting women being supportive of each other and their careers (ie. her and Lorde) instead of being in competition with one another.

Huh. I think TS might actually be revolting against the idea that women can’t be friends with other women because WOMEN ALWAYS BE HATIN’ AND JEALOUS or whatever that trope is.

Well, that’s just tough. I think we should all put our collective feet down over this. Condoms are fantastic for us, and frankly men should be humble and grateful enough to use them. I’m sick of having to have my hormones modified and turning into a human pincushion just so someone can get his rocks off. Also sick of

I love when I can tell who follows

I just can’t get into Affleck as Batman. Every time I see a pic of him in the costume, I think it’s a prank, or from a parody directed by Kevin Smith.

Just so you know, I work at a library and sitting to work on the bottom shelves is the approved “best practice” for the shelver’s ergonomic health. Any complaint from a crazy old lady about a staff member sitting on the floor to shelve would just be met with a fixed smile and nodding followed by a polite explanation

You’ll play six hours of pre-Kentucky Derby footage but you can’t broadcast women’s soccer?

I had a guy talking about how bad people get paid lots of money to play sports and he doesn’t think their behavior should be rewarded while I was cutting his hair.

It was Coupon Day.

Rachel, sweetheart: you’re self-absorbed, you’re in love with the sound of your own voice, you steal things from black people and claim them as your own, and you tell black people what to think. I’d say QUITE A FEW things about being white describe who you are PERFECTLY. Shit, you sued Howard for reverse racism, which

“For every orphan Annie, there’s a 30-year-old Russian dwarf who’s just pretending to be a child, according to a movie that I watched part of.” -Liz Lemon

I am just so irrationally excited about this for reasons I don’t entirely understand. It feels like Christmas Eve, there’s so much potential for great surprise or great disappointment.

See anonymous internet commenters, this is why you don’t “just adopt” when you are having problems with conceiving.

I don’t understand why this couple actually believes that the rest of the world cares about THEIR marriage.

You made a motherfucking croquembouche?! I am so incredibly impressed. And Mary Berry approves, too.

I have always said that the only Jurassic Park sequel that I really need is one where Tim and Lex’s parents find out that they nearly got eaten alive by dinosaurs and then no one is allowed to visit Grandpa any more.

“When we were in residency in Florida, Brandi would say, ‘Tony, can we get a couple of vans and go over to watch the [MLS’s] Tampa Bay Mutiny?’ We would get the vans, but it was her idea. She just wanted to watch top-level soccer.”

You know what? If having access to a toilet, sanitary napkins, and not having to sleep outside and fear rape or snakebites is "Western Propaganda," bring it on. This is a human rights issue for millions of women, who are being denied an education and a future over a biological process they have no say in. Culture

Really? A.) Your tone in the original post was clearly dismissive of this issue, and vilifying the awful colonialist feminists daring to speak out against it. and B.) Yes, we can criticize traditions that are built around nothing more than "othering" women and perpetuating the view that women are dirty. Traditions