
Just when I think I’m about to turn into a crankasaurus rex.......Pixar comes to the rescue


I am actually incredibly interested to read the novel through that lens. Just last week I was visiting home and got drawn into an argument with my beloved hippy/artist Uncle who began saying some things about race and privilege that made my blood boil. I was so horrified that he could harbor those views that I felt

or something ;-)

My partner and I exclusively carry camping/hiking bags when travelling now. I have this one and I will never part with it. :-)

I wanted to like this approximately 167 times but the machine wouldn’t let me

Oh SkyMall, you beautiful butterfly of the sky, I hardly ill-spent my money with yet. Now where will I procure my XXXXL "One-of-a-kind shirts for one-of-a-kind-men." Perfect for frat parties, nights on the town AND as giant fashionable emergency blanket for when I am stranded, far away from home.

I vote you just go for it! For galentines day (well we'll have to do it the day after since the silly movie opens ON valentine's day) we are thinking of sneaking in a couple bottles of wine, and s'mores pie to eat while we guffaw at the ridiculousness of at all. At first we were morally opposed to giving them ANY

Mr. GingersforScholes and my working theory is that she is taking out for a public test run the fabric swatches for her new nursery. No better way to decide if you like the bedspread and curtain options more than actually clothing yourself with them for the evening and seeing how they look under the ungodly lights of


This news nearly made my heart require its own stent...

OMG how did I not MENTION her....deep down she is my spirit animal and I just want to make her cocktails and be her best friend forever.

I will still say it is one of the very best shows on TV....but my partner and I binge re-watched the whole series again on Netflix recently and I have to say that I started feeling uncomfortable with how Sorkin chose to depict women in the show and the relationship that all of the men have with them...

No no no no no one of the best numbers in the show/of all time...they CAN'T ruin Sondheim for me again they just CAN'T...

Ew... did you read the first sentence of the original article from the Huffington Post?

This made me cry because it is eerily reminiscent of a dream I had of my grandfather right before I moved out of my parent's house and down to DC. My grandfather died very tragically when I was 14. He thought he just had a bad flu bug but he was really bleeding internally. By the time we realized it was too late. I

Yeeeesss I have been so excited for this and it is finally here!!!!

I don't know....have you seen some of the magical things sold in Skymall?

Preserve for some reason reminds me of the text accompanying photos of outfits for sale in the Coldwater Creek catalog my grandmother used to get.My Mom and I would read the overwrought descriptions out loud to each other and giggle uncontrollably.

I will have to do this, thank you! You have saved me many an awkward/intimidating situation!