This won’t get nearly enough stars.
This won’t get nearly enough stars.
This is absolutely right. I love New Orleans as much or more than any other city. But its basketball team’s ownership and management is absolute shit. The potential is there. There is a fanbase. There is a great team name and logo. It has every bit the chance to a destination city for NBA free agents. But, Jesus. The…
That’s very fair. Lots of people have forgotten that both Bushes were incredibly stupid and evil too. They did a far better job of hiding the cruelty for cruelty’s sake.
It is incredible and, frankly, impressive that no matter how much you think this dope couldn’t be any more petty, vindictive, and stupid, he will always find ways to greatly exceed the worst you can imagine.
I’ve been through IAH a bunch and I’ve never noticed its beaches. Definitely going to check them out when I have to take my kids to the airport to send them back to their mom.
Yes. The weak thinking goes something along the lines of: He’s doing what I would do if I had the power to do it. Also, if we elect him President at age 70 after he’s never had a job in his life, then he’ll suddenly start using his powers of self-dealing, scumbaggery, self-enrichment and self-aggrandizement on our…
There are fuckton of voting-age assholes in America. Also, many millions of idiots. I think it was the Trump episodes of the Dollop but there is a story about a small business owner who trump ripped off for a massive amount of money for work done at one of his shitty properties. Guy had to sue him. Ultimately the guy w…
They have fucked up the federal judiciary for a generation and a half.
The most alpha male on the planet has long-running feuds with Anna Wintour and Graydon Carter.
It’s a lack of evidence the same way that most people don’t have evidence that their retired gym teacher uncle can’t perform brain surgery. I mean, sure. In a way you don’t have evidence that he can’t. But you have plenty of evidence he sure as hell shouldn’t be given the opportunity.
I think they also actually miss Boogie, especially in this match-up.
Oh, sure. The kid can cry all it wants. But I open just one full-screen window on my laptop to pornhub with full volume while I try to quietly eat my greek salad...and I’m the one being asked to move from the aisle seat and then turned into the air marshals. How do they even think the kids got here???
“Want to clarify something: Mom’s [sic], all of you out there, have the hardest job in the world...” — Britt McHenry, May 4, 2019
The NFL: Someone has to win.
Right. It’s the animal version of the NFL. The “lucky” ones who “make it” are broken and used up at a still-early age, relative to an expected productive life. But even they’re standing on a pyramid of an exponentially larger pool who all washed out at earlier stages (some at much earlier stages) and still have many,…
I think what you’re saying gets to the bigger issue of how we treat all domesticated animals. And, frankly, it goes hand-in-hand with how we treat all things and even people we see as disposable, replaceable, vulnerable, or who cost more (economically) than they add. Combining purer and purer capitalism with…
That’s super relevant in the 21st century.
Maybe he’s trying to distract all the criticism they’re getting for not being very good at drafting players who good at football (any “character” evaluations aside)?
Had to be Bosa, right? He can’t wait to cross a picket line to support owners, make veiled comments about teammates being “political”, and donate to non-profits aimed at voter suppression. Roger would probably pony up some of the NFL’s money on that last one. Gotta hear both sides, really. Those who want more people…
You pointed out (but undersold) the main difference. Popovich cares about his players and, it seems, people in general. His surliness to the NBA brass, officials, and NBA media is, with few exceptions, completely appropriate. I loved the thing he did back in 2012 to send four of his best players home from a road trip…