
Oh, my republican family think I’m “overreacting” purely because my candidate lost - mind you, I just shared 2-3 articles on what to expect (from credible sources) and made a statement about how this election shows we need better education, not cuts to education. Mind you, these are the same fucking people who bashed

Same. When the recession hits? GOOD JOB TRUMP VOTERS. YAY U.

I feel you... I got rid of my social media the day he won, but on Insta before I was unfollowing anyone who said something positive about him. Maybe that makes me a “child” but I can’t emotionally handle the racist and sexist rhetoric.

You should. What do you have to lose? The company of fascists? I don’t know who, if anyone, voted for Trump in my family or friend group. But if I find out and they’re in my house, I will ask them to leave. If I’m out with them, I will leave. I will not break bread with those people. And nor will I work or allow my

I wish the men that did vote for him could be marked - I need to know before I end up dating one of them. So many men in my life fooled me and that’s the worst feeling ever.

This kind of statement isn’t helpful; it normalizes male entitlement over women’s bodies and invalidates the fear many women feel when we are told our self-worth (and right to safety) are directly related to our perceived physical attractiveness.

...and when asked “replaced with what” the response we get is the sound of crickets, because they have no goddamned plan beyond “repeal.”

“Fix”? There will be no “fix”. The ACA will be repealed as quickly as possible and the only thing offered in its place will be health insurance on the open market. The chances are extremely good that the pre-existing conditions clause will be put right back into health insurance policies as well.

And in 7 years, they never, not once voted on what they wanted to replace it with. They voted to repeal it repeatedly, but at no point did they actually determine what the replacement would/could/should be. They never thought it was important enough to consider anything beyond how to tarnish their opponents.

My boyfriend came over last night, still shaken, and said “Only 30% of college educated white men voted for Clinton! WTF?? They should know better!” and I hugged him and said “well, you’re a good man” and he just looked at me with like the saddest face and said “I don’t want to hear that. This is not about being a

OP is repeating Trump’s campaign promises.

You gave them very accurate information. Well done.

I’ve spent the past 2 days refusing to say a word to any man that I know. Seriously, it’s bad. I feel utterly betrayed by EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

Right there with you, if you voted for trump, you’re out of my life. Not because you voted for her, but because that means you turn a blind eye to sexual assault, homophobia, mysogyny, xenophobia, racism, and transphobia.... Something I don’t want to be associated with and will not. Luckily none of my close friends

Um because she and the rest of us have been listening to and watching the GOP for years...have you?

“Fix” lol. You’re delusional if you think it’s being replaced with anything except a sphere of hot air.

his dangerous “gender identity” directives

It means that Trump was not the choice of the majority of American voters. It means that for the second time in 16 years, a Republican president has been chosen against the democratic will of the people. It means that Donald Trump cannot honestly claim a mandate to rule according to his whims. It means that calls for

No fucking shit.

I’m a high school teacher at a conservative boarding school in Virginia. Here is the letter I wrote to my (mostly Trump-supporting) students.