
It’s also incredible how long we’ve been asking exactly these questions. I’m a teaching assistant for a an introductory English class. Part of the class is learning to close read (paying attention to language, literary techniques and conventions, etc) and we just finished a novel, published in 1797, called The Coquette

Yeah, I mean, he’s the real victim here, right? Had his whole life ahead of him. Such potential.

Chances are he’s not leaving anything but credit card debt.

I mean, he played Peter Gabriel while holding up a boombox and that didn’t work. What’s a guy supposed to do?

Oh but you should just give a guy a chance I thought? And jealousy just means he loves you? And why don’t we just speak up for ourselves?

Being that he’s dead now, I hope that his estate will be paying her medical costs.

Your comment only makes sense if approving a killer’s death is equivalent to wanting to kill. They’re not equivalent. Bye.

Poor woman, fighting for her life while that miserable POS got a quick end to his. I hope she pulls through and is able to live a happy, pain-free life.

But violence against women isn’t a real problem... sigh...

Glad he’s dead. Everything else is awful.

Yup! I am the same way. For example, I have a houndstooth blazer from J.Crew that I got when I was 15 (I am 31) and I got so many compliments on it this past fall asking where I got it. I’m like, lol, I’ve had this bad boy for half of my life. It still looks like new. And BR used to have more high quality stuff, too.

I had to stop buying their silk blend sweaters a while back for this very reason, all of them ended up with holes.

Yes! I still have some amazing, quality shift dresses that are PERFECT for work that I bought from Banana circa 2007. Add a more in-style shoe and some edgier jewelry, and you’re ready to go.

This. I just threw out a BR sweater I’ve had for 19 years. The old stuff was great quality! None of my more recent purchases have lasted more than a couple of seasons at best.

i bought a loose shapeless dress at Forever 21 back in the summer, and I really liked it but right now F21 is just all ONLY those shapeless dresses (and rompers, of course, OF COURSE WHY WON’T ROMPERS DIE).

Black, grey, and neutral tones dominated the new collections.

All I want is to be able to pick up a bunch of black straight leg Sloan pants when they have 40% off sales every few months. Give me that and I am happy. Enough with these flouncy skirts that barely hit mid-thigh and drapey nonsensical sweaters.

Loose, shapeless crap is in right now. :(

Banana Republic has the same problem that J. Crew has. Part fit/style issues, but the main problem is that the quality has been steadily declining for over a decade and price points have stayed steady or increased (beyond normal inflation). No one wants to remain loyal to a store that keeps throwing crappily made

I have seen some improvement, but I am not ready to rush out yet. I also hope they fix their sizing. Every shirt that I have bought from Banana in the last year has been HUGE.