
Fashion is my hobby :/ i spend big money on it because that high end stuff? It lasts forever.

The newest Fitbit fitness tracker is $200. Amazon Prime for one year is $99... My point is.. everyone judges for themselves what they want.

But also you are totally right rich white ladies love to shoplift.

High end bags retain most of their value though. A Celine bag used can still be sold and you can get a decent amount of money back.

Yeah, I mean, you can say you’re just making a broader statement about our culture, but intentional or not, it’s still derailing.

You are right, it’s not your money or your business. But in my opinion, teen years/early 20s ARE the time to waste your money on that crap. They likely live at home and don’t have much responsibilities. Maybe they are experiencing their first whims of financial independence. Some people buy bags, some people buy

Then they need to train to always ask for I’d no matter who it is. That’s what I train my employees to do and I don’t care if you should here all the time. That’s our policy.

*shrug* I still feel like you’re making an assumption about young dude’s personal values soley because you perceive them to not line up with yours.

I would argue that derailing a post about racism to shame the victim is pretty inappropriate. But this is your windmill so tilt away.

Why stop at $5? What is a belt, but a thing that holds your pants up? Why not just weave one out of your body hair?

If you bought an Hermes Birkin bag in the early 80s, it has appreciated in value more than gold. Just because you have it stuck in your head that something is “wasteful” doesn’t mean that it is. I can certainly agree that some people SHOULDN’T buy luxury products if they’re struggling financially. But I don’t buy

Yes well, I’m broke too and barely make my bills, and I would spend that money on car repair bills. Or dental work. But that doesn’t make it OK to shit on them for their choices.

Agreed. No one needs to send that kind of money on a belt. Not even a $5 one, but that’s not the point here. He clearly worked and saved his money to spend on this luxury. Why shouldn’t he? What should he do with his money then? Just food, bills and rent? Then stick everything into savings? What a depressing life to

The problem with that is that racism is so deeply embedded that a shop keeper may be more suspicious of a black person than a white person and more likely to ask them for an ID. Obviously being asked for an ID is a lot better than getting harassed by a cop, but it’s still profiling.

That would be an awesome job! I could totally spend the rest of my days smacking idiots and bigots for cash!

Oh man if we are doing that then you should know my safeword is pineapple

Pretty much.

I want that job

They were also required to hire an “anti-profiling consultant.”

Hire an anti profiling consultant? WTF Where do I sign up for that gig?