
As a speech language pathologist I applaud your editing.

It’s exactly the same as using a ouija board. Most people using those things genuinely believe they’re not influencing the movement of the indicator, but they are. I’m sure most FC practitioners genuinely believe they’re getting input from their client, but when you test the patients on things they can see that you

This person seems to have a ton of faith in your average jury pool. He/she has clearly never sat through jury duty.

I can't believe that FC still has a lot of backing and support. This technique has done so much damage. I understand the need to connect with people who have severe disabilities and how easy it is to grasp at straws. My god, so many people have burned by this and it really needs to end.

That’d be like me getting “expert” testimony from the Ancient Aliens guy on why extra terrestrials forced me to commit tax fraud. It would only bias dumb, but well meaning jury members.

I don’t have sympathy because, at the very minimum, her professional codes should have been enough. You don’t sleep with your clients, and you don’t sleep with people who cannot truly consent, her delusions notwithstanding.

Yeah, facilitated communication isn’t real. I understand why people are desperate for it to be real, and I do think its practitioners do believe in it, but that doesn’t mean it’s real.

“...Stubblefield was a trained facilitator of a controversial bullshit method for communicating with extremely disabled patients ...”

Four bottles for $15, WHAT?! I just looked at the Deals section of but it must not be available anymore. That’s amazing! What colors did you choose?

I thought you nailed it?

Zoya is the damn business. I just ordered four more with their current promo of four polishes plus shipping for $15, and they should be here tomorrow. wooooo!

Came here to shill for ZOYA. Essie has never worked on me.

You mean Sephora’s house brand Formula X? I’ve got half a dozen or so — a couple of them are pretty good and some not so much. I’ve got two very similar textured glitters; one’s great, the other chips like a motherfucker. Also have a red cream that’s inexplicably gluey and stainy and all-round difficult to work with.

Yep. It’s overpriced crap. Every Essie I’ve ever bought — about ten shades in a variety of finishes — either chips immediately, takes a billion coats to get opaque, or is a streaky mess. OPI is similarly unimpressive. :\

I’m with you, I find it goes on streaky and needs three coats to really get coverage. I only bought it because I couldn’t resist a sparkly teal polish called “Trophy Wife”.

I used to be able to lift this kind of haul, but when I tried the other day I got caught. Guess i need to polish up on my shoplifting skills.

Um, ALSO when am I going to get my beauty side site back? I never get to talk about beauty shit anymore. I miss Jane. Jane would have done me like this.

Essie is good-ass nail polish, and comes in good-ass colors!

I’ve been a true blue Essie devotee for a while now, but I got a Factor X System set for christmas, and I have to say: it lasts longer than Essie. It bends with your nail, which is weird, but is probably also why it doesn’t chip. Definitely doesn’t last 2 weeks like people say, but probably a solid week with