
What’s the time period over which the wage violations happened? That amount spread over 10 years’ worth of violation would be tragic yet something I could grasp. If that was just one year, holy shit, are we sure anyone got paid at all?

Why don’t they just get rid of resort and early fall? Wouldn’t that be the easiest? They’re the worst collections and they stay in the stores the longest.

This is the ultimate horror film ending, right?

I feel the exact same way about my dog. I would probably have done the same as you with liquid courage and after someone was messing with her!

I do not know if I would have survived this, were it not for my Miniature. Seriously, just hugging her, made me feel safer. And, in an intoxicated state, I was ready to KILL for her at any cost. After that, I didn’t care about the evil presence... 100% truth.

She was honestly my only concern. Like, seriously, DON’T FUCK WITH WITH MY BEST FRIEND. She seems just fine now that we moved away.... Just a generally alert, happy, puppy. :) Thank goodness.

This is horrifying but I love for you for standing up for you pup to that OBVIOUS DEMON .

Whyyyyy did I read this?! Your story reminds me way too much of my current living situation and now I’m honestly going to sleep with the lights on :(

never before the video had anything happened. NEVER.

Oh wow, this one is super creepy! How long had you been living in your apartment before this happened? Had you experienced anything out of the ordinary before you watched the video?

Alright, congrats, I’ve been reading these for about an hour, yours is the one that’s making me nope the fuck out.

“They both went back downstairs and saw the same figure only it was slowly walking from corner to corner of the basement with its back turned.”


I thought I would share a story of my dad’s. Our family has many stories where none of us can quite explain it, to non skeptics we believe we are definitely clairvoyant to some degree. My parents tell me stories from when I was younger, I’m not as in tuned to it as they are but this story of my dads is from his days

My manager finally comes over and informs me that she is removing the gratuity from the bill.

Who the hell just lets a fart fly in a restaurant like it’s nothing? I’ll run to the bathroom if I have to.

When I moved to the East Coast, I lived in northern Virginia — just up the road from Manassas. One night, my boyfriend and I were driving through the Manassas Battlefield after spending the day down south. It was a misty evening, and through the fog (sooo cliche, I know), I saw a group of men crossing in front of our



I had a couple of folks in Groupthink ask me about this, so I hope it's ok I re-post; I originally submitted it here. I have edited it to include the various theories that we've come up with as explanations (below the original story).