
Old Daario had lovely bone structure - I also found him super hot as well.

I expected to hate Wuthering Heights (as I'm not an Austen fan already, and most who like Austen like the Bronte sisters) but I ended up loving it. Interestingly enough, I didn't hate any of the characters either.

Pretty much came to the comment to say this.

Online dating isn't terrible. (Okay, only a little bit).

Yup! People are always asking me "how do you write like that?" And I go "what?" before I realize what exactly they're asking me.

Yup. I've always despised most live music events (concerts, hurgh). I dislike excessively loud music, large pushy hordes of people...

YES. This is what got me in to Greek Yogurt and I've tried Chobani, was like "NOPE" and went back to the Greek Gods Greek Yogurt ASAP. I eat it a bit every day for lunch (after adding some tasty blueberries).

Er... I regret missing mine.

I actually ended up missing out on my whole senior year though because of bullying that happened in my junior year (I ended up just going to a local community college and taking college courses for HS credit). So I think I regret the chance to actually experience my senior year more than

I agree. But better her and Harry than her and Ron.

Me too. I can't even IMAGINE how someone could just... do that. My God.

My sister is a couple days after Christmas. People who give her a combo birthday/Christmas gift seriously do not know her. AT ALL. It's one of the worst crimes you can commit with her.

My two sisters and I LOVED Bride and Prejudice. We always danced and sang along with "No Life Without Wife" which was our absolute favorite.


I never got the chickenpox as a child - my sisters even got them, and I could touch them and everything! However, I never got them.

This is the first time I saw this explanation about the houses and it actually makes a lot more sense now why she doesn't want to leave. I can easily see why she would want to stay.

She's freaking adorable.

Yes! I'm definitely "in a zone" and then I snap out of it and I'm like "oh, what am I doing scratching myself again? Stop that." And then five seconds later, I'm doing it again. I'll have to try logging it - maybe that will help!

Working on finishing Season 1 today and starting on Season 2!

I was previously in an abusive relationship - and I know exactly how you feel. For the longest time I left the lines of communication open, because I felt safer if I knew how he was feeling. At least when I was getting the texts I knew whether or not he was angry/upset/etc.

I JUST started (binge) watching Hannibal. I'm almost through Season 1 (on episode 10 now!) and it is just so good!