
I'm the same way. I work at an oncology office right now (and my father died last year from acute myeloid lymphoma) and that second question inspires massive amounts of rage.

I also tend to attract (and date) musicians - which is why I had to make the personal rule! I agree completely with the "narcissistic manchildren types." I swear the instant a guy picks up a guitar in front of me now, I cringe.

I've also managed to avoid it, and don't plan on ever watching it. I don't like dumb movies.

My best friend and I despise that song and the instant we hear it we turn around and leave whatever place (bars, clubs, stores, ANYWHERE) that is playing it.

House of Cards has been on my queue (and recommended to me) by so many people. After reading your comment, I will gladly remove it from my list and never ever watch it.

I'm the same way with animal abuse stories - I just cannot deal.

Thank you for #24. And making it bold.

That's what I've always been taught - double whatever the tax on the bill is and round up.

Honestly I would have never have considered it - but one the girls in our group had done it before and she suggested it. Of course, I was like "this has to be the best idea ever." It really does make flying so much more pleasant.

"then eating the donut out of this random stranger's outstretched hand. I don't think he had actually offered it to me, judging by the surprise on his face."

This wins.

This is pretty awesome - after reading your tale, I definitely want to see this parade at some point. :) As a female ginger, I would love to take advantage of free underwear!

Okay - so I've actually done that! To be fair, it was a girl's trip to Vegas and we brought the mini's on the plane and added them to our free soda. Honestly, it's one of my favorite traveling memories now! (Especially because the drinks on the plane are expensive.) I definitely plan to do it again next time I go

Perfect gif is perfect.

My mother always bribed me and my sisters with fruit leathers while she shopped at the grocery store. We got to pick out whichever one we wanted and eat it while she shopped. She had us trained, so that we'd get to the checkout and we already knew to lay the wrappers on the conveyor belt.

I live in the PNW as well, and I decided on the Sweater Monster for the same reason.

Dead on.

Totally agree.

This is exactly what I do on my weekends!

You can fit a tube of lipstick in your pockets?! Where are you buying your pants (or lipstick for that matter....)?