Daddy’s Home

Wow look at you, humble bragging about how you do sex as a reaction to an article about a woman being raped. That is the epitome of missing the point. In fact, I believe that your clueless refusal to see how maybe your reaction was gross, tactless, and inappropriate indicates that you must be a rapist yourself.

this made me literally say “boom” out loud b/c it is so good.

Yes. IIRC, the parents of Jesse Spencer from House and Chicago Fire are racist politicians who campaigned in the noughts against immigration in Australia. Whenever he was asked about them, he said he didn’t agree with their views and would then changed the subject.

Who the fuck ungreyed your trollin’ ass.

Dude, take the advice of others on here and just close the laptop and do something else for a while.

You begged for an ally cookie and you didn’t get one, so now you’re, as someone else accurately pointed out, projecting. You’re not only “mansplaining” you’re also gas lighting and insulting people for the terrible act

Honestly, I prefer cayenne.

Harsh and WAY too evocative, but fair

Every once and a while he says something I agree with, but I make it a point never to star his comments because he’s so fucking gross all the time.

It's actually perfect before you press play, like she's about to guffaw.

still works!

As Cherith said above, like Karlie ever went anywhere!

Nope, Tina Fey is.

Silver Lake is so over. It's about to be all about Eagle Rock.

Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

Can’t wait for Natasha Vargas-Cooper to not really bother research the story then do a snarky, irritating ‘expose’ where she softballs/fails to properly question a crucial witness.

Also, I've eaten a meal prepared by Bourdain. He can't cook worth a shit. It's called seasoning Tony, look into it.

He most likely has spent thousands of... whatever currency they use in The Shire (Turnips? Boring anecdotes? Bits of wood?) to look like that. Every wisp of that strawberry-blonde atrocity has been carefully strewn by trained -and hopefully morose- professionals to make him look like Mumford & Sons tried to make love

That peroxide blonde one second to the right, looks like a mini Guy Fieri!!! ECHHHHHHHH!

Also get the hell off zhandi’s lawn.