
She as being kept captive and brainwashed. One night of that is justification to kill someone to escape. She had 1,000's of times she would have been justified in killing her mother in self defense. That her abuse and captivity were serial crimes does not make her less justified in killing to escape. Her mother could

>“No, she better not be,” the woman said, giving Phung no real choice but to plunge back down and try again.<

lol i’ve worked in the music industry since 1999

It looks like only one of them has a documented history of domestic violence.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe there is more going on with Britney’s actual mental state than what is made public? Kind of like, “Oh yeah she’s fine!” but there is really more too it, but they want to keep it private because 1. it’s no one’s business and 2. they’re afraid of how it will affect her ‘image’

I would wager that having someone she ostensibly trusts (her father) take care of financial matters and other “adult” things takes a shitload of stress off of her already stress-filled life.

I get the general icks from anything to do with reporting on this issue. This is a private medical situation for Ms. Spears, and it is none of our business, ESPECIALLY since she has not complained or tried to change the situation.

There are likely a ton of factors going on that contribute to keeping the conservatorship going. The Times article was interesting but kind of gross in its speculation on something so personal that we know so little about beyond the mechanics. If Britney hasn’t pursued having it overturned, there is no reason to think

She’s doing really well.

When are we going to have the discussion about the Bollea verdict on this website? Major case redefining freedom of speech, and Jez is not going to talk about it ?

I hate all of these people you’ve been dating.

As a Jew, with a family full of addicts, I can forgive him.

Guh. Lane Bryant. The TV sitcom of clothes, replete with canned laugh track.