
Been trying not to make that pun for the last 48 hours.

Who’d have thought this would be the Hill ESPN chose to die on

Disclosure, I don’t have kids but, when it comes to gymnastics, I always wonder, “What positive reason is there for letting your daughter get involved in that sport?”

Your mom didn’t protest too much last night.

Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.

Thank you for pointing out sharks have no concept of Twitter, that was needed

How cliche to claim being hacked after tweeting a bunch of dicks.

Go back to Mexico, rapist.

Just as well. Guy thrives in isolation.

Weird that Griffin and Paul scored 51 and a guy who is 51 wound up hitting the game winner.

Has Secretary of State Kushner released a statement yet?

[Tim Tebow hits a home run]

I get the joke and all but, as a recovering alcoholic just sort of goes on with the help of chronic masturbation.

Seriously, Montee - see if your credits transfer to BYU.

Ball, who played college football for the Wisconsin Badgers, said he will be taking classes at the university this summer to finish his degree.

You are reading it wrong. Here I will hold your hand since you turned this nasty. “the criminalization of a goddamned plant (mainly to protect its bloated budget) that could benefit many people who end up addicted to prescription drugs...” I take what he is saying to mean, if marijuana was an option it could be one

So disconcerting. Usually Flyers goalies don’t crash until the playoffs.

I thought that was what Albania always looked like.

If Noah doesn’t want to support an organization that ruins young men’s lives then he shouldn’t have signed with the Knicks.

How David had the time to snitch on Tiger between his duties as HOA president and pointing out which meters have expired to parking enforcement is beyond me. Dude is productive.