
He trembles nervously, his stomach a spiral of fear and longing. Will she accept me this time? Will she let me take her slowly, gently at first and then as the passion between us lights a thousand flames, harder and faster until we both collapse in sweaty relief? He goes in -

Even NPR let this shit slide this morning without bringing up Anthony Kennedy, or even asking how often the situation had come up before. It was ridiculous.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

You know I’m torn on this! As a woman and person of color it’s great for ME. I mean how nice will it be to just be handed a high paying writers gig without doing any work at all or having any talent, you know? I could call up a few late night shows and have a job tomorrow, no resume or writing samples required!

Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.

So is jez ever going to run articles from or about low income or non white mothers or nah?

I do want to say, be forgiving towards yourself when it comes to past “no means yes” games.

She said no repeatedly. She never consented, she never assented (as someone points out in another comment). Lying there and not participating in the sexual encounter is a clear sign of discomfort and not consenting. Rape looks like this too. If she was “being coy” she would have participated or responded to the

I just sat there and dealt with it. I figured once he saw I’d be as responsive as a corpse, he’d give up.

The writing on that one is the BEST. I lost it at fleeing the great Fucks Famine of 2015.

OH GOD. I haven’t even finished reading but that Funky Town story has brought actual tears to my eyes.

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy

I was keeping it together until “Candelabra Eurospoon.” Then I died.

My guess on what really went down:

Hahahahaha, oh Brayden, darling, did you read that delightful new Bruce Williams column in the daily print out of the internet that one of our several butlers brought us this morning?