Ginger Fox

This is tangentially related to the article - the Elizabeth Warren saga is a mess - but I’ve always found the notion of blood quantum curious. I’m from a state with 7 or 8 tribes and had 2 friends who were 50% or more Native (one parent or both were all or part Native) yet were denied membership because they weren’t

Yes, it’s embarrassing that Elizabeth Warren believed she was Native American and was ultimately incorrect. That I consider really awkward but forgivable and survivable, politically. 

I was so grossed out when I saw that Elizabeth Warren was digging her heels in on this issue, both for the harm it does to Native Americans and the fact that it makes me agree with Trump on the absurdity of the claim (minus the name calling and the way he goes about it).

Why does she need to say anything? Why do we immediately turn to the closest woman and burden her with the responsibility of answering for some shitty man’s actions? Why does it always bounce back on women?

Well that’s weird of you.

He reminds me of my shitbag ex who liked the idea of sleeping with men because it was taboo but wasn’t actually into men—and because his whole jam was using faux-progressivism to hide his abusive shit.

THE WORST. So desperately transparent.

Oh my god..the cover, the concept, the poem. WRETCHED....boggling narcissism.


he published a book called Straight James/Gay James, which included musings about identity and sexuality, including lines like, “Hello woman, I’d like to be you./Not because I don’t enjoy my own man/ Body, my man strength, my man looks, / My man mind, but because I love yours/Even more.”

This is where I’m at.

Thank you. I was mad at Schumer too, but I also remember losing two weeks of pay as a federal contractor in 2013. I didn’t get that money back when the government opened. I was lucky to have savings and a side hustle. Many people didn’t.

I get what you’re saying, but a stop in government services+benefits/furloughs of non essential staff and the expiration of CHIP more than likely hurts black women, women of color, black kids, and everyone more than the expiration of DACA will.

Okay. I’m not a comfortable white liberal. My question is simple: what would you tell my friends who work in the Federal government, who said to me they could skip, maybe, one paycheck before they’d start defaulting on day care bills, mortgage payments, rent payments, and the like? Some people were forced to come in

CHIP isn’t “nothing”. Certainly not to people who rely on it. I don’t understand how this is getting short shrift.

Being disrespectful to individual, underpaid, overworked teachers is so hip.

You have no idea if his journal is spot on. That teacher could easily have mentioned “indigenous peoples” or “Native Americans” and because King didn’t hear “Indians” he assumed he was being taught a lie... instead of, you know, a culturally appropriate take on the truth.


I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!