GinAndTonic, Potential Grizzly

I long as it’s not my money. 

Breakfast is the best part of McDonald’s by far, and they beat the hell out of Starbucks, no question.

At least McDonald’s makes the McMuffin egg fresh.

But is is frozen or par-baked first?


If you want to keep that, you need to leave the midwest and take it to a dry climate.

9 years ago, the economy was still in the toilet.

How sad.


Shame on people for not paying attention. I was a freshman in college when 9/11 happened, so I’m barely older than Jameela. I knew who Tony Blair was and what his involvement in the Iraq War was, and I was an art major. You have to go out of your way to stay clueless to the news.

I saw this headline and straight up assumed it was an Onion post. It should have been satire. It looks like satire. Ugh, fuck OFF, Atlanta.

I mean, I prefer that, too. But shit, maybe stay off twitter with takes on subjects you don’t understand.

And that’s pretty damn ignorant. She admits as much. That’s a reason, not an excuse, though.

The point is that it’s purely ignorant to have no idea who George W. Bush is. Even a teenager could grasp that. Yeah, it’s pretty pathetic.

They’re restructuring and have investors behind them. It could be that another company buys them out, but I doubt that will happen.

It’s not not a monopoly. 

PG&E isn’t a monopoly- there are many electric providers in California. PG&E is just the biggest. It’s also not the only power conpany to be doing power shutoffs- SoCal Edison is also doing them right now. And this is a problem with state law- in no other state would a private company be held to the strict liability

white guy/girl hippie dreads

No, these people apparently have a long trail of shitty letters to the editor.

Haha, same. Except I stayed up because I live a mile from Levi’s and would hear the foghorn anyway.