God there will be so many trolls in this post. Please if you are black respect the deaths of 10 people and dismis and do not engange. As a Mexican-American whose family crossed the border I beg of you. DO NOT ENGAGE!
God there will be so many trolls in this post. Please if you are black respect the deaths of 10 people and dismis and do not engange. As a Mexican-American whose family crossed the border I beg of you. DO NOT ENGAGE!
Racism? At an Indians game?
*receives pink slips*
Ugh, the use of “clean” makes me crazy! Food is not “dirty” unless there’s actual dirt in it.
The Chopping of the Brownies. God. You go in, there’s a plate of treats, and instead of just taking one there’s this ritualistic slicing of the whatever into halves, fourths, eighths—anything to prove that you’re not greedy and sloppy and out of control. Unless the thing is the size of a human torso it cannot…
Congrats on your recovery.
Yes. To all of this.
Thank you for this comment. I’ve been trying the same approach this year, and while it has definitely been a struggle, it’s also SUPREMELY liberating to be able to separate the concepts of food/exercise from the concept of self-worth. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that berating myself for eating two…
There’s a woman in my office in her late 60s, happily married for forever, and totally normal in appearance for her height and age, who in incapable of engaging in any conversation without directing it back to the good and bad foods she eats and justifying her cinnamon raisin half bagel in the morning. I try to kindly…
Same! And I can’t even be like “oh, one cookie won’t kill you,” because I’m fat, and obvs I must be a food-pusher wanting to make everyone FAT LIKE ME. I hate this crap.
Sadly, that whole concept was an even bigger trigger for my ED/bulimia. Being a size 8/10 with an eating disorder made me feel like I was a failure at it. It must still bring up so much pain in me that I am unexpectedly holding back tears typing this. And while I want to say high five to this show about having an…
But you’re being honest and that is awesome.
Yes! Obesity is most often the result of an eating disorder. But sad skinny people make for better entertainment or something.
Yeah, when I was starving myself everyone said you look great! because I was overweight. Only one person asked if I was eating enough, of course I lied to him, but he cared enough to ask, and that meant a lot.
This! I have to be honest here and say that, while watching the movie, I saw the big girl in the treatment centre and my first thought was, “Wait she doesn’t have an ED lol!” This is of course bullshit and I was being an asshole.
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
I’d love to see a movie about an eating disorder affecting someone who doesn’t look like their being affected by ED. I don’t think most people understand that you can be fat and be bulimic.
The first time I was sexually assaulted, I was seventeen and felt it was my fault for skipping school to go make out with a hockey player. He wouldn’t let me leave until I gave him oral. I was so traumatized I soiled myself before I made it home. I broke up with him a week later when he tried to convince me to have…
You disdain for the Walmart customer is amazingly classist.
THANK YOU for this post. As someone who grew up poor, shopping at Walmart in a poor town, who honestly still has to shop there, I get really tired of the well-off “activists” who decry those who shop there as either people unconcerned with social issues or destitute waifs who need to be pitied.