
Claiming as you do that replacing a word you find distasteful with another word is the same thing as just saying the distasteful word anyway actually strips both words of their meaning. It removes the difference between the words that we have decided on as a society.

1) I don’t know how Mandalay Bay Resort handles their security, but I have been to a number of outdoor concerts that didn’t wand for firearms. It’s not inconceivable that their security was lax.

Good point. Not trying to paint her as a saint, lady definitely fucked up and has been remarkably silent when it comes to criticizing RP. She seems more interested in protecting herself than being an ally, but from testimony she may not have been aware that a rape was in progress at the time.

It’s not about tricking God into thinking you’re not saying his name when you actually are. It’s about affirming your respect for him by not using his name as an epithet. If the replacement sounds similar, it’s because the speaker still wants to get the gist of the epithet across and connect with a broad range of

Indeed, members of one of the band’s crew were carrying firearms and wisely REFUSED TO USE THEM because they knew that if they did, they could be mistaken for the original shooter by police.

She didn’t see him in the act. She knew he was in the bedroom with the girl, and when he was later arrested for rape, she agreed to testify putting him at the scene of the crime.

Not crazy. It’s a beautiful and surprisingly tasteful photoshoot.

Yup. I mean, it was a country music concert in Nevada, a state where something like one out of every three people owns a gun. Surely someone in the crowd had a gun. And look how much it helped.

Make sure you eat a healthy meal before you donate and get yourself very well hydrated during the 12-24 hours before you go in (a few glasses of water right before won’t really help).

I get it. And I did initially misread Sourdoh’s tone re: Ripley. But it’s still a bogus comparison. Shall we please analyze Cameron on the basis of his remarks, and not on a film that is in fact a continuation of another director’s vision, creative license around which t-shirt to wear notwithstanding?

Hunters are really fun. Don’t discount playing the Warlock though! They have some of the most powerful supers in the game and they’re not really all that mage-y since roles in Destiny are much more loosely defined and not all that different compared to RPGs (you get to shoot, move, wear powerful armor, and shred

You never know! Even after the story ends (and the story is really a fraction of it), you keep getting new tasks and new rewards. The game is constantly evolving.

I avoided Destiny for over a year after it came out because I knew it didn’t really have a story and I’d have to play with other people (gasp!). This, in spite of my husband’s constant begging.

I am cool with the changes too. I leveled to about 267 pretty fast and like you have been grinding steadily upwards and bouncing among my 3 classes. I like that they throw lots of rewards at you all the time, but that once you get to a certain Light you still have to actually do some hard stuff to go any higher. I’ve

Well said.

My favorite too. Ripley really really really had an effect on me when I was a kid.

If you need moral rectitude in all the characters you play, you are missing out on a lot of good stories and a lot of shades of gray. But, to each their own.

Joel is a grade A asshole and barely redeemable through his relationship with Ellie and I’m going to stop there before I spoil the end PLAY IT