
* Gogh West goes through a Dutch phase *

Hardly. Have you actually seen either of those shows? Or is it just cause it’s four women in NYC.

A cringe so massive you will herniate.

I appreciate that she drew attention to the fact that fighting cancer can only really succeed when everyone has access to cancer-fighting treatments through universal healthcare.

Even when you do, WW has already surpassed T1 (whose adjusted lifetime domestic gross is somewhere around $100M) and will almost certainly surpass T2.

Yeah I’m so confused. Like, is beauty a good thing or a bad thing? I’m getting this very strange feeling that it’s a purposeful catch-22 just to keep us subjugated.

Like 5% more. While WW in opening week made ~30% more (and significantly more than T1 in all respects). Numbers, man.

Haha Rachel Weiss literally got out some water for that burn!

I don’t even understand what you’re asking. Honestly, I’ve said my piece and I’m getting bored of this and you are quite rude and somewhat dense, so you can go ahead re-read my comments above at your leisure while I go do something else other than educate someone who seems to have no inclination or hope of

And why did he need to specify that at all? It’s like that disgusting phrase “no homo” but directed at women.

I’m choosing FWC just so I can hear her speak.

LOL, yeah that’s how I interpreted it. Sorry to put words in your mouth like that. If I understand correctly, what you’re trying to say is that it seems like a mockery of an institution that is still plagued with injustice? Maybe like throwing a party themed to an ongoing natural disaster? Mostly harmless, but

Still beating that drum, eh? Is it really the fact that it’s seven minutes that’s the sticking point for you? Really? You realize how incredibly flimsy and shallow that argument is right? Did you even think about it for 2 seconds before you hit reply?

Weddings aren’t a zero sum game. Let the people who want to commit to themselves and call it a “wedding” do so. It’s not like it’s legally recognized. It’s not like it means the couple down the street can’t get married or their vows don’t mean anything. Claiming it detracts from “real” marriage is an argument that is

I devoured these novels! They were like nothing else I had ever read. An absolute fever dream of a series. With Oscar Isaac co-starring, this movie might be a different kinda dream though ifyouknowhatimean

They want to fight each other, they cannot fight each other, they cannot even escape each other, they can only run at each other endlessly on a treadmill, harnessed. That is very clearly torture (of the Tantalus or Sisyphus variety).

No. This isn’t an imaginary story about dog fights. This is two actual dogs strapped to treadmills running themselves ragged in order to rip the other one apart. If you look at pictures of it (below), it’s likely this isn’t the first time they’ve fought other dogs. This is inhumane and cruel. This is torture for the