
That person is an absolute monster and a hypocrite and a dumbass. Awareness of animal cruelty is not an excuse to commit animal cruelty (also: ???????????).

Even non-profits have to be run, to some degree, like a business. They need revenue, they need a budget, they need an organizational structure. Just because they don’t operate on a model of profit doesn’t mean they don’t have to be worried about the bottom line and, ultimately, closure. When a non-profit is facing

It’s a trailer so you never know, but I actually wish it had more of the feel of Tomb Raider, which was gritty and dark and kind of slow and melancholy leading up to its climax. That’s part of why the reboot was so good in my mind, it shed a lot of the cartoony campy stuff in the originals for something more

It’s legal where I live so I just get it at a shop down the street. If you have the opportunity, you can just ask for high CBD chocolate, and then I usually stick to a postage stamp size piece every 2 hrs or so.

Yup. Nothing to fuck with. To avoid those “well this is it, I’m dying” (or the scarier “well this is it, I wish I was dead”) moments, go slow on the weak stuff is all I have to say.

If you don’t know you’ve consumed weed, some of the effects of it can be pretty frightening. Tightening chest, dry mouth, twitches, feeling of dizziness and disconnect, not to mention the paranoia that can come from it which will exacerbate every ache and pain.

How is describing your naked body any better than just being naked in front of everybody? The distinction between witness and second-hand info is real.

Pleeeeeeeease start groaning and talking about the consistency of your poop next time... and report back :)

Especially in an airport. Everyone has all the farts in their butts after landing.

I really want to hack one of those sometime so that instead of a flushing noise it just yells “DO NOT LISTEN I AM POOPING NOW”.

And in their case, for revenue, which I think puts them in an even lower echelon of hell.

Dammit! I got the wrong adjective.

In news search results... yes.


OMG it is so maddening! The number of times people have happily thrown competitions or gone up on the block for Paul is just insane. What kind of koolaid is Big Brother serving in that house?

It’s a figure of speech. A more accurate expression might be, “Brock Turner is the face of rape.”

It has been an awful, awful season. Not only is it an utter yawn fest because it’s clear who’s the producers’ favorite and running the show from the start (returning veteran Paul), but it has gotten to the point of outright bullying, gaslighting, and abuse. Multiple times things have gotten mildly physical with no

Traditionally, yes.

Give Ted a break, this is the closest he can cum to being vice president.

CURSE YOU for putting that image in my head aaaaaaaaaaargh