I sit here just glazed and confused at the senselessness of his death. I hope his family can find the powdered to move on.
I can see that.
I’m not exactly sure how it’s supposed to be interpreted, but having the headline “How ModCloth Strayed From Its Feminist Beginnings and Ended Up a Walmart Property” with skinny -> skinny -> skinny -> plus-size dresses, you’re inviting the kind of interpretation I took.
It’s cause she looks like she just got fucked real good and it was by you.
Good and important article, but that top illustration is some fat-shaming classist bullshit.
He is one of those individuals whose absence feels worse over time rather than better.
I’m hoping it’s the edge of the kilt or maybe just the disorienting optical illusion of the underwear itself.
I have to say, I am disappointed mostly by his thighs’ lack of definition and/or girth. Big thighs >>>> big bulge, personally. That said, would still bone. That said, his underwear also makes me want to run away as fast as I can.
I don’t even know what to say. I’m kind of disappointed? But also kind of aroused? But also kind of repulsed? I’m so confused. What’s everyone else’s take?
It’s also the celebrities’ jobs to be fit. Their paychecks to some degree depend on their size. It’s fucked up and I don’t like it, but it makes me feel better to realize 1) that if I was getting paid to work out I’d work out all the time and more or less look like that, and 2) that it’s not my job to be super fit so…
Check her out in Me Before You (choice clip because I don’t know how to embed video in Kinja). Every fucking goddamn expression of all time runs across her face and that is NOT a compliment. Girl doesn’t know the meaning of subtlety.
LOL how is deleting your browsing history going to stop anything. Does she think if you delete your history in Chrome, it deletes it from the ISP database as well?
They don’t need to say how it works because its intent is to not actually have doctors investigate their patients - it’s to scare doctors into not caring for their patients at all.
You just made my fucking day. Couldn’t agree with you more. I literally had some friends try to argue that gyoza and piroshky were sandwiches by virtue of being enclosed in bread. I might need some new friends. It’s nice to know not everyone is an asshole and/or insane.
What about them? I would not consider them a sandwich any more than I would consider a Hot Pocket or a beef wellington a sandwich. Not every bread-like material filled with stuff is a sandwich.
If they are any kind of sandwich, they are a *seaweed* sandwich.
I’ll allow it. I will never entertain the idea the gyoza or piroshky are sandwiches though. We must draw the line somewhere.
Are gyoza little sandwiches then? Piroshky? A folded-up slice of pizza? Where does it end?