Gimmi Mørgäikkönën

Yes reaction is part of the equation, when Fernando jumped the gun in the last GP he got a drive through penalty, that was the opposite, so if you hesitate you loose....

Gosh is sounds like someone was going to cook some meat and then put some condements on it, oh the horror! This from the same dept. that kept putting parking tickets on a car for a week with a dead body in the front seat....

I was surprised when I went to the GP in Australia to see a new Fairlane, I wasn't aware the name was still used by ford!

It was not a god looking car, the full size ones look like a bloody tank, but it was interesting, its a love it or hate it car I think...

@Jeb_Hoge: I once got the Toyota Yaris 2 door hatch and its like driving a go cart in San Francisco, fun! Its so light you can chuck it a bit...

You only live once?? HA! I had to rent one of those Sebring convertible, what a pile of doo doo, yeah I would live it up and rent the 355 or 360 Ferrari I've seen for rent over here....I rented a Ford Flex to go up to Lake Tahoe and I must say it is a nice vehicle and very good in the snow...

@Baby beater Benz: Yeah all the F250 people who go to Lowe's to pick up a few things and look manly are not aware of how much you can do with a small truck. In Japan many trades people have the micro truck that are not street legal in the USA...

@schivvers: A diesel Jettamino would be a good little vehicle, after the old little VW rabbit truck I don't know why they didn't do it again!

I bet that gets confusing, especially if they kept the stock rims, I see a few swapped for black ones or silver... Well obviously its heaven..great cars, tough bastards at times but great...

@verdegrrl: I think they are a very good car, they are very well built as well. The truth is the 7s are all very simple cars, its a frame with some bits on it. I looked at the website for them later after I had the Caterham and I might well have chosen the Westie...Good luck and burn some tyre!

Ok I'm getting carried away but I caught Alfa fever...This 1940 racer is oh so sexy...

@Vintage Racer -ready to go racing...: I was curious so I looked it up, it says at the auction that its a 1932 but it was raced and won in the 34 Monaco GP. $2.10 milliones woo hoo...Here it is at the auction... says only 6 built. A few things look different on it, not the same car and all 6 probably had different

Damn it, now I'm going to be perusing the ads for an Alfa...this is going to be expensive....

Alfa put a so much of the sexy into the car I a feel very excited....

@dropdragdrive: I don't know the Hoff here loves kit...I think men love their cars more haha...