At least buy an old cheap Subie, geeeeezzz
At least buy an old cheap Subie, geeeeezzz
@ShachiMacaroni: So if I go 60 I can cover twice the distance and still be rewarded? probably hit a red forward instead of reaching it at the proper interval. San Francisco's 19th ave. is the same way, although I have picked up the pace there and made it pretty far...
Honolulu has gotten worse, they want to build a rail system but people here are so set in their ways I doubt many drivers will change to rail. I guess traffic will have to get much worse to change their minds. We are thinking of moving...
Wow, my hope for further human intelligence has just been lost....
What a bitch, I bet she shoots puppies too...
@Maxichamp: Kimi just cares about how much vodka he can smuggle with him....
There must be law that says the police can't dress up like a rabbit and bait violations?? Right?? Of all the F-ing things you could think of this would have to be on that list right??
@Kaiser-Machead: Make it SO!
@Elhigh: Hmmm I think would kill myself but it would be fun...
@alan505: Well that would be spicy...
@IN THE FACE!: I know WTF?
Screw the stupid Apple blah blah iphone pad, use a camera....
@Elhigh: Which one is that, a cabin is a good thing to have..
@GreenN_Gold: Thats all we can hope for...
The driver jumped out and the car has gone rogue.....
Very nice, I have no need for it, but if I were to go back to the Australian outback on holiday I would rent one to have for a couple weeks to get around....