Gimmi Mørgäikkönën

@brickyard: Yes but I read a financial column that was saying a rare and quality automobile will be just as good an investment as you can get, assuming you don't crash it...

@VMA1T: Ow it hit a tree and its cross eyed mate! No I love them too and my name is Morgan...I have a Caterham though due to maintenance worries...but a Veyron trade would take care of that!

This is nice for my retirement, I already have a Caterham ect. so this would be a nice addition, oh and the girl is included in my trade..(don't tell my wife)...

@DonLuc: Next we'll see an F40 and an F1 in Texas...are these oil people?

Well they may have to wait for the economy to go up a bit, even rich collectors are hunkering down a bit I thinks..

@Chaparral: That is true, I didn't design engines, I mostly made all the electronics and interfaces but that is connected to all the mechanicals of course. I am actually, before that an aviation engineer and many things can be used in the cars as well. I think my English didn't go across the way I wanted. Wow and then

@jalopnikfan: I thought they only drove Escalades?

@Tristan Hipps: Well the new one can obviously, I guess a lifetime of seeing corvettes as the horribly made cars that they are is hard to believe. It probably has the build quality of a chevy tahoe though and uses the same interior knobs and such. Per liter American engines are horrible...

@longdx: Well I do love a good bench test...I am nearly deaf from 20 years of engine noise haha. Yes I started at Saab aircraft (I am Swedish) and I have worked for a few F1 teams over 20 years or so. Apart from the noise my favorite thing is seeing the exhaust change colours... I worked with electrical components

@longdx: I am so glad to hear that...

Some poor oral surgeon will wrap it around a tree....

Always install a fire suppression system, my Caterham and FFR have them, I have seen too many fires at tracks in my time, see smoke, pull handle, whooosh, done...

What does an Aston have to do with Basketball?

@the_garynator: I just can't figure out why he wouldn't sell it and buy something else...why would you squander and investment? He must have owned it outright or he would have owed a lot on a car that expensive, doesn't make sense...

Well you have to take your knocks when you want to run with the big guys. I can tell you from having worked in F1, much of what is published is totally made up....but there is trash talk...

@Elhigh: Corvettes are badly made and can't corner, the list for faster cars on a track is very long, a straight line doesn't matter at I have a Caterham and a Factory Five Daytona, both are way more fun to drive and not expensive relatively. I had more expensive cars before but I got tired of the

@p006: I agree, the same lack of intelligence that prompted a belief in a fantasy was used in this car deal...

Neither car can go around a corner very well, but the Veyron is faster than anything in a straight. He is an idiot obviously, at least keep it in a garage and wait for it to be worth double someday, like the McLaren F1 it will be over $2M easily because it was a limited production. Besides that it cost VW $5M to make

@bygeorge: Shield the childrens eyes from the horror.....