
Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

That wealth is going to start trickling down any time now!

But I thought thirty years of tax cuts would increase revenue.

That lead GIF is now the featured exhibit at the Blue Balls Hall of Fame.

Pro Tip: It was sarcasm.

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

I don’t work in law enforcement, but I do watch a lot of people play LEOs on I don’t understand how they can pretend they weren’t threatening/shaming her on FB rather than trying to find her when they could probably look up the car’s owner through the DMV. They didn’t want to talk to her, they wanted to send a

Simmer down now, kid.

Who hurt you?

Yeah, cause Walkijng Dead has never killed off a black guy before.

Well, tough shit England, that’s what you get for Brexit.

I have never heard of any of these people. Maybe you logged on to the twinternet by accident? Try turning your computer off and then turn it back on again.

Anyone who kicks the shit out of Rand Paul is automatically in the right.

I’m perfectly happy never visiting Reddit, so having Jalops curate it and add epic David Tracy rebuilds is all I need.

Even after reading all the greys about gun violence in the Steve Kerr article, your comment is the dumbest thing I have read on the internet in a great while.

He must have double vision something fierce. Everyone knows you eat at the Y.

The joke

I work as the to-go person at a restaurant. You know what I make per hour? $4.80. My point is, that while I don't expect to be tipped like a server (I worked for years as a server, but chose to do the to-go position because it had been a few years since I'd served and wanted to ease back into it), it is not "fine" not