After being dead for 18 years, my father in law still has a stalker.
I basically babbled. Something along the lines of, “I’m so glad he has such an open minded and loving family, but I’m not a sex worker and I really only know him from the amazing stories my new coworkers tell me. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I’m sure I would’ve loved him but maybe not that way but maybe that way…
So a week after I started this job, a guy who no longer worked at the publication I worked for died in a car accident. I never met him, and he was a copy editor so it wasn’t like I was familiar in any way with him through what he wrote.
But nevertheless, the EOC said everyone needed to go. So I went. And somehow the…
I am going to keep this one short and sweet.
I’ve seen dead bodies at them.
He, he, it is. I hope more people than me sees it and helps.
I'm writing a treatment up for a buddy comedy of this lady and the lady who drank all the cognac instead of giving it to the TSA RIGHT NOW!
Tammy II: Electric Boogaloo?
Wait, what, is that woman - white? If so, that explains why her azz wasn’t shot at once she exited the vehicle.
Turn down for what?
here’s the video:
This has Melissa McCarthy vehicle (as it were) written allll over it.
The comments here are going to turn into a shitstorm of epic proportions, so would anyone like to talk about the weather? Post puppy gifs? Has anyone bought any cool shoes recently?
I’ve heard that his instructors are finding it difficult to teach him as he can only cut in a Z formation.
I will give you some money now and then. Take your situation to go fund me too.
Have you ever considered crowd funding??