
Pretty fancy credenza for a high school student. Is the NCAA aware of this?

Darren Wilson indictment.

Yes. A hundred times yes. Early in our dating lives my wife brought me to Kansas for one of those Thanksgiving deals, and we brought a small bottle of Weller and it made the entire day wonderful.

Who are you?

both evolution and creationism requires faith

Ya because the bible is so much more credible than Wikipedia

Keith Law has the science on his side, but you have to give a man of faith like Schilling credit—

Racism???? Name me just ONE other example of a black guy in Washington DC whose every move is vociferously criticized by mouth-breathing asshats who get all their information from sketchy radio shows.

I don't understand all this talk about throwing people under the bus. If you've ever seen RG3 play, you know he'd bounce them about 10 feet in front of the bus.

Medal of Honor winner before any sports or acting bullshit award.

Happy Valley would have been left a smoldering, rioting ruin had this happened.

I can't lie. I'm saddened by what could have been.

Given the NCAA's recent reductions in penalties I wish they had given them the death penalty and then salted the earth at State College.

They lost to Michigan this year. I'd say that they didn't need any help from the NCAA.

In my opinion, Penn State deserved the Death Penalty more than SMU did. I realize some of you will disagree but covering up child rape is worse than paying student athletes. Again, that's just my opinion.

Bullshit! If you've read a Simmons column, you know he is completely oblivious to the concept of scissors.

I'm sorry, but Clayton Bigsby and Playa Haters Ball are the two best skits Chappelle ever did, and the only question is which order those two belong in.

Have fun grimacing and rubbing your temples for the next 15 minutes.

When made to endure jokes about hair removal it's only natural for a beard to get quite uncomfortable.