Never fails. Anyone ripping a joke for being unfunny out of nowhere never actually makes jokes. Usually the comment history is exactly what you see here: bitching about how x y and z sucks. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.
Never fails. Anyone ripping a joke for being unfunny out of nowhere never actually makes jokes. Usually the comment history is exactly what you see here: bitching about how x y and z sucks. The lack of self-awareness is staggering.
I love it when joke-assassins have comment histories consisting entirely of hyper-critical negativity. After all, only bothering to open one's metaphorical cake-hole in order to humorlessly snark about someone's suckitude is so much more bearable than a somewhat-tired joke. Someday this blog and humanity at large will…
That's too bad. He was only two more sessions away from completing his complimentary tattoo.
For fuck snakes
Follow-up question: how do you kiss a snake?
"hey kiddo, lose the shirt. Pants too while you're at it"
This shirt seems like a stretch. I would hardly call a 2 wins/3 losses record in the NBA Finals "greatness".
Maybe you should stop dating beverages.
Why is she freaking out like this? Her baby brother's already ugly.
especially for a sport where players are routinely given copious amounts of much more powerful and dangerous prescription painkillers by the boatload. If my body was subjected to the kind of punishment taken by the average the NFL player, then I'd probably move to a state that allowed medical marijuana use.
* Using a credit/debit card at a convenience store for purchases less than $10.
She definitely appears to be rolling. Lucky for her, this is one of the newer trains, not that it makes her decision to eat chips of questionable repute off the floor any better.
Vodka Samm is growing up so fast.
Shirt tucked in, goofy sun glasses, bet he's wearing mid-calf socks, too. This dad is what dad's should be.
"You did it, dad! You got us a ball! Now take off those ridiculous sunglasses."
2015 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2015 Browns: [continue to suck]
2016 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2016 Browns: [continue to suck]
2017 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2017 Browns: [continue to suck]
2018 Browns: [draft players only from Northwestern]
2018 Browns: [continue…
You left off one: just about every American micro-brewer's IPA. The typical IPA brewed in this country is loaded with hoppy bitterness overkill to hide the fact that there's absolutely no other flavor in the beer. It's like the Starbuck's French Roast of beer.
One month later:
Fictional characters: Sean Newell's girlfriend
Such a shame to see Blackmon throw his career away to drugs. Why couldn't he just beat his fiancée instead?