
Pretty sweet. Can I get one with darker tint and sound proofing?

For some reason, I would have guessed Roethlisberger would be the QB driving a rapist-van to training camp.

Then stop cutting your goddamn sandwiches wrong.

This has got to be the same guy who eats his own cum.

"Whoa, that's Marshawn Lynch"

You are the king of the written sentence!

I hate war and violence, and I loathe my fellow Americans' tendency toward knee-jerk calls for other people far away to engage in or suffer from such violence. All that being said: there's a part of me that would very much like the Royal Netherlands Air Force to send a few dozen F-16's over to eastern Ukraine and bomb

Who exactly was your target audience? If you don't want your audience to be people with names like "BigBenRapedMeToo" then Deadspin is definitely not for you.

I retract my previous statement. Everyone go to south beach.

If I was the coach of a team, I would tell my players that they could do whatever they want, just don't go to Florida. Something fucked up will find you. That's actually a pretty good rule for everybody in life. Stay the fuck away from Florida.

I'm the biggest Preds fan that reads this site regularly, guaranteed. I'm more excited that this is on here than he is about signing.

I better get started on that work.

We get it, you're a race troll. You're also not clever. Be funnier.

Today has been a bitter sweet kind of day. I had to see my brother drive away to a new job in a new city across the state, and I witnessed the best World Cup to date. So disappointed to see it over and to see Germany win (I had a few of my favorite team's players on Argentina). I made a shitty collage of my memories

Cool, so we don't have to cry for them this time?

Dwayne Wade is taking James' decision really poorly.

grab the beef one too! but the seafood and clam ones are NOT great.

I will +1 the better that bullion chicken base, the stuff is legit and I use it all the time. I have not bought chicken stock since finding it. The way to go if you can is getting the low sodium version so you can make some strong flavorful stock without it getting too salty. Costco carriers the organic low sodium one

"I don't have much of a choice at the moment."