Where does Waldorf Salad rank?
Ah, OK. I usually think of that as just being a different kind of macaroni salad.
Pasta salad usually has a vinegar-based dressing, no mayo. I often see it with carrots, olives, maybe tomatoes, some shit like that.
What is the difference between pasta salad and macaroni salad?
His punishment will be the same as Irsays, right?
The shadow at the bottom of his abdomen is telling lies, man. It looks like the shadow created by a spare tire, but if you look closely, it's a third-party shadow conspiring to make him look fat. Maybe he's gained a little offseason weight, but don't let the shadow fool you!
Let's just say this: I saw the picture and thought it was a post about Brian Windhorst.
If you were interested in being fair, you'd have included the clarification Kelly gave when they came back from commercial—that he was simply impressed by her breasts, and that he planned to masturbate once the segment was over. A perfectly innocent explanation.
I was at Costco one day and all of a sudden, nature called. Yelled is more like it. So I high-tailed into the John and there's some sensitive guy changing his little boy's diaper on one of them baby ironin' boards, and don't you know, I slipped on pee-pee and broke two vertebrae which had to be fused together. I'm in…
2 ticket to the NHL Playoffs: $457
where do you find all this energ
The rules are silly, but Gordon shouldn't be spared scorn here. He can't claim ignorance of what his fate would be if he was caught. It's his own dumb, conscious decision that he's being punished for, even if the punishment is way too much.
That's a crap load of vodka
Who's the real racist? Certainly not i.
I'm going to be blunt. If Henderson's marijuana problems are chronic, he's sowing the seeds of his own failure. But this is a joint problem for both players and owners. Management snoops around in player's private lives and uses drug testing to weed out problem players, while the players wish the media would just pipe…
Yep, sounds like you are one of the mouth breathers who wouldn't get an invite.
You guys are dicks. I have AA lounge access and I make it a point to ask my seat mate if they are interested in being my guest unless they are a mouth breather. What does it cost the airline? 2 or 3 coors light drafts for some free word of mouth "AA is awesome and their lounges rock"? What does it cost you? Nothing.…
I was at a golf tournament a little while back. It was the final day and the last group was coming down 18. Some fans tried to get a better view of the green so they climbed up a tv tower. Well earlier that day a fan hit one if the golfers with his Volkswagen and then subsequently crashed into this same tv tower, so…
I can't believe Winston have to steal something, anything, to eat from a store in Tallahassee. You'd figure he could just panhandle.