
Through lack of skill, or redundancy of musical role though?
In several part of the series, we're made aware of the fact that Murderface and Toki's musical roles in the band are pretty redundant. They were even willing to forego a second guitarist in Doomstar, with the only reason why they took on Toki being that

"the generous, supportive Toki actually made it possible for him to play better than he did when he was showboating by himself"
I actually thought it more that Toki was the the closest to an equal that Skwisgaar had ever encountered, and being the competitive narcissist that he is felt compelled to actually push

Honestly, if it was 100% Deathklok the whole way through, I would have had no idea what was going on. To quote Nathan explosion himself: "people can't hear what I'm saying anyway."

Personally I disagree, I loved every minute of it from start to finish. I an see where you're coming from though, with the lack of plot progression over the 45 minutes, but I didn't really mind all that much. I was so happy to see the story of how Toki joined the band, and the entire thing just filled me up on feels