
I’m a type 3 with very fragile veins. Fortunately there seems, at least at this point, to be little other crossover with the vascular type. There was a lot of concern over my inflamed liver when I caught mono, but fortunately nothing went terribly wrong there. Mostly I'm just a pain in the ass to phlebotomists, and I

There seem to be a slew of us here!

Quick question, do the fragrances in question have to be bottled and sold to count? Cause I got 18 different smells.

There is a surprisingly high number of us EDSer here! I’ve gone on a following spree from this post alone!

Mahala! :-)

Purely obnoxious FYI, we learn in med school vascular is associated with berry aneurysms in the brain. But that’s rare. And agreed, it’s just generally dangerous to be walking around with vascular ED while pregnant. Seems like there’s really no healthy reason she’d have to leave :( this is awful

Yup, so true, surgery of any type is so dangerous for vascular EDS. Some would even argue that a csection is more dangerous than a vaginal delivery, but I'm guessing since she is high risk due to age too, she probably didn't have many options.

I agree, it would be extremely risky and stupid.

It's a heritable collagen defect that causes extremely weakened blood vessels in the case of the vascular type. Being pregnant at all at 49 is high risk. Being pregnant with vascular at 49 is pretty much suicidal. I have EDS type 3, for reference.

Yeah it’s called Entourage

Glenn Beck’s panic room

If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.

Please out this nonprofit. I'd like to know which to avoid.

What a great, strange time to be a family pet.

It truly is a Mystery.

I really would like an 8-inch clit.

There’s a young couple that is long-distance for a part of their relationship and they have phone sex - describing weird fantasies to each other. Same with the chocolate poops. So - this does not actually happen.

As I mentioned just above, it's part of a phone sex fantasy that gets really fucking weird. It's not something that actually happens in the book. I mean, rag on Freedom all you want, it's definitely overrated as hell, but read the fucking thing first.