Now the right-wing assholes are pissed off because he came out in support of getting rid of the 2nd Amendment.
Now the right-wing assholes are pissed off because he came out in support of getting rid of the 2nd Amendment.
I think it's a stretch to call him a racist. He probably has the IQ of a golden retriever, so I think it's unfair to as him questions like this.
"Screen doors on a submarine, you dork."
"To the Redskins for giving me oomph"
"Sigh, I get older, he stays the same age. Come on Dad you're drunk."
Yes and literally everywhere.
I know, right? And "Friends" and "Girls" and "Sex & The City" and "Chorus Line" and "Company" and "42nd Street" and "Guys & Dolls" and "Working Girl" and "Seinfeld" and "Ugly Betty" and "Mad Men" and "Home Alone" and . . . shall I go on? There are so many representations of this same NYC fantasy I don't see how…
And it's nearly shot-for-shot the same. I'm watching it through some side-eye for Tennant and to see if it actually does do anything different, but I'll probably give up well before the resolution.
They'd think it's a just punishment for failing to keep their legs closed.
I know everyone has their right to an opinion about abortion, but for some reason male pro-lifers bother me the most. The audaciousness of a random dude judging, shaming, and telling all women what to do with their bodies and their lives is just so infuriating and creepy as hell.
Chances are, the coupon that Jen was giving Angela was a special coupon reserved purely for angry customers, whose rage cannot be sated by mere logic or apologies. So Angela very likely did NOT have this coupon.
The way Limited Brands works, employees are instructed to ask super angry customers to call the 1-800…
The customer isn't always wrong. Angela, however, is so wrong she's almost right again only because it is so ridiculous. They're candles. Take the smaller ones. Go home and order them online. Candles.
are you angela
How about worrying less about the temperatures of individuals and more about the temperature of the planet, you dumb fucks?