Have you seen Naked Attraction?
Have you seen Naked Attraction?
This female park ranger is so angry and so unsurprised.
Heyo, light pollution and its effects on humans and animals is kind of my career and research. Many people now know we need to watch out for blue light at night, because it can stop your melatonin production, but it’s also fairly easy to reset your circadian rhythm using light and dark. About an hour before bed, just…
Thank you, I slept about three hours last night and just skipped right over that one, assuming I didn’t know a word.
I thought that wasn’t really controversial anymore? That he had vitiligo and also had his skin lightened? https://www.umassmed.edu/vitiligo/blog/blog-posts1/2016/01/did-michael-jackson-have-vitiligo/
Very unrelated question and please tell me if I’m being offensive, I don’t mean to be, but does La Toya have vitiligo, too? Or has her skin always been so light and I haven’t paid attention to her in a long time?
That’s super weird. I took the NPS FOIA training and we’re not really allowed to people/requests away. I wonder if someone made a mistake along the way and now they’re scrambling. I’m sorry they’re treating you that way. I don’t know a way around it, sadly.
I was so frustrated by The Bundy Tapes and the lack of talking about what he actually did. The creators were so obsessed with him they forgot why he was in jail in the first place.
I’m so sorry. I work for national parks and while I am always interested in these types of stories - I have the books, I look things up - I also try constantly to remember that there are very real people being affected. While dealing with a medical emergency or search and rescue can be bizarrely exciting in the…
You know, sometimes my first reaction to this is, “as soon as we can transfer the fetus to your body, you’re welcome to it.” But then I think about how that would still be some kind of surgery/medical procedure, and I still don’t want to make anyone do that against their will. So, no. Pregnant person gets the choice.
Thank you for this perfect response.
So, uh...looks like something is not actionable until someone is dead? And now we’re pretty just admitting that, cool cool cool.
I’m sure I have biases here because I had a generally positive experience for years as a Girl Scout, but I still don’t understand this decision. There are aready groups for all genders, like the Adventure Scouts. I feel like the better thing to do would have been to admit transboys or masculine-leaning people but they…
Last Podcast on the Left just covered this docuseries pretty well, just fyi. They agreed that the filmmakers were obsessed with Bundy’s charm and influence, and almost forgot that he did horrific things. I thought that one effective moment in one of the episodes was showing him cross examining a witness at his own…
Yeah multiple times for multiple things. I wondered if there was some weird cultural/Mormon thing going on there, but there are zero excuses for what they did and didn’t do.
If you want to watch a true crime Netflix doc that is kind of a trainwreck you can’t look away from, check out Abducted in Plain Sight, starring the worst parents ever.
The Impossible Burger is really good. Does anyone know if they’re ever going to sell their products in grocery stores?
I always wonder: when they’re legally required to distribute or even say false information, are they legally allowed to then say “this is incorrect”?
Astrology itself may not be directly harmful, but it feels like part of a larger pattern of not trusting people who have spent their lives studying a science. Even if you accept climate change, many people who follow the same beliefs don’t. Then they fall into anti-vax, anti-medicine, conspiracy theories. I have had…