
Wow, is Chris Hemsworth even human?

Is that Strawberry Shortcake?!

I had (still do, in some drawer in my parents' house) a silver color that sparkled. It was maybe called Rocket, or some shit. Because glitter was super important in the late 90s/early 00s, who cares if it worked or how it tasted.

50 Things Literally Almost Anything is Cooler Than Mitt Romney Running for President

Would a food delivery person accept "I didn't order that"? I mean, what do you do? I'd feel bad for the deliverer, too.

Ugh I'm gonna answer the troll. Because that is not a child. It can't answer anything. It can't survive on its own. The person who can make choices, has an actual life and is autonomous matters the most.

Oh geez.

Hey I work at Yellowstone and now have no desire to look at geysers for awhile.

what the shit is this

I'm so distracted by how far apart those legs in the picture are. Is that one person?! I don't know why it looks so weird to me.

Can we just have a place to talk about Repo: The Genetic Opera, though? I mean, she's basically been to space.

South Park has totally ruined Lorde for me. In a good way. Ya ya ya.

#TEAMCAKE is here to fuck some shit up.

And you'd have to keep your elbows two floor tiles apart from each other.

Here is one more reason I could never be any kind of LEO. As soon as I even saw that kitten walk up to me I'd be like, "IT'S FINE YOU'RE GOOD JUST GO I HAVE TO PLAY WITH THIS."

I just don't think lumping comedies and musicals together is good for either category. And also I know Meryl Streep has a billion but she deserves another for being amazing and a passable singer.

There was one musical. They couldn't give it anything?

When I was little I thought a great way to keep my brother out of my room was to lock it from the inside and then leave, not understanding that I couldn't get back in either. One day I was running from him and ran straight into the closed door. I busted up my kneecap prett badly and got blood everywhere. There was

I don't know what to do with this one because I am all for bodily autonomy but I might be more for sound medical decisions. The mother has also stated that it she should be off chemo because "she's not going to die without" it, which sounds like she is delusional about the state of the cancer, or believes in some