i love tetris
i love tetris
Sony's fault, they should have done something better.
@jchen1: "Let them in and find out why they want to be there"
@t('-'t).............................The Unpronounceable: some of us have gotten away with being skinny all our lives and can inhale whole buffetts and not gain a pound.
@Jpettit25: ok, i'll stop writing down april 1st as my birthday just for you.
@iMattv4: ancient like an old apple mac-in-the-box.... except useful.
@Schm1tty: time to change your screen protector.
I like how the clock levels out when rotated more than i like the bubbles.
@Captain Fish: "wow, your baby's head is so shiny, just like my 1st gen ipod clickwheel!"
@bimbojr1: that would be something like jizzmodo.com (i just checked, domain is taken and parked damnit!)
@Witness1: or sob into their gallon buckets of truffle shuffle ice cream.
@kyleboland1: Don't have a clue...
@truthtellah: first: lol.
@billysan: cellphone vibrate motor + xacto knife. current enough :)
@billysan: this knife vibrates at high frequency. Shinji complains about everything but i don't see him complaining about this.
Hollywood is a welcome place for a game to die. it could be worse. Square-Enix could rehash it over and over and over again to death. Theres nothing Mickey's cards, keys, nor magic can do to help them.
@romevi04: Ben, not dark link.
@Gilliam: image fail.
@NewEnigma: tried emptying it?
@soulsiphon, Malakite Vassal of War: it was, after all, red.