Gillford Totem

Pssst, here's a secret. We're laughing at you. Out loud. Because you're a pathetic whiny child who decided to take time out of your day to come here and bitch about the wimmins and how useless they are. And then of course if anyone shows evidence to the contrary you just change what to complain about. You're so wrong

There we go! You landed it with the stereotypical attacks on personal conviction and society's fucked up and ironic relationship with body size. I knew you had it in you.

You realize that anyone can use "intentions do no matter" excuse and apply it to everything right? If you get to trot that out, I get to do it also. Like, it doesn't matter that you didn't intend to offend me by using the word "contributing" (it's a trigger) but you did. So please apologize and refrain from using

As a historian, I find this whole appropriation issue kind of ridiculous. Everything is appropriation. We, as modern humans, have only progressed to where we are now because of the sharing of cultures. Wear pants? you are appropriating Venetian fashion culture. How about all those goth kids who covered themselves in

I seriously do not get why they want to wear other than to say a big fuck you to Native Americans.

I'm sorry you're disappointed Feminism doesn't mean no critique.

That's true. It has to be that and not because it's confusing what this is accomplishing. This isn't a critique of Israel.

Are we seriously going to make this about being "SEX POSITIVE" instead of about the muder of Palestinian women and children and how this is blatantly sexualizing the grossness of war? Now watch people come on here and try to defend how these women aren't actually objectifying themselves because "choice" while 3.1

Um, most of the women who have a problem with this seem to be black women and women of color. And they are commenters who know their history, politics of respectability and all that. Not every criticism of raunch culture / female nudity is destined to throw us back into the era of black female 'respectability'

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It looks exactly like a porn cover—and would be even more so if she were wearing heels. Seriously, this is a pose they do ALL THE TIME (you start to see a trend when you spend a few years selling the stuff). This isn't a judgment, as I don't think porn, or being in porn, is

I'm not sure anyone can hear your logic over the cacophony of "exhibitionism = agency" and "choosing her choice".

Bwahahahahaha! The degree of meta-irony here is epic.

Uh, what are you talking about? I have total sympathy for this guy, but if you're somehow going to twist this into some ridiculous "feminists are evil bitches who don't care about men's pain and suffering" bullshit, you can fuck right off.

Co-signed. Especially when that seems to be the NORM now a days with mainstream female artists, I don't even bat an eyelash when I see this stuff anymore. And I hate how it seems impossible to even point this out without getting called a prude or jealous. Or if it's a black female artist in particular then you are a

How original, provocative and thought provoking. I took my feminist ideology classes at UCSC, and this is so fucking tired. Same with your cheesy Kanji tattoo. I opt to exercise my irritable feminist powers to roll my eyes and PASS!

um.... yeah I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm gonna go now. *closes door*

I understand wanting someone who's dominant. I understand that on the surface, the appeal of 50 Shades is Christian's overwhelming confidence and tenacity, and that it's nice to be chased and desired by someone like him. But here are the problems:

I'm just not turned on by control freak men, so I can't get into this series at all. I like kinky sex and even rough sex, but I am just not turned on by the kind of sex portrayed in this series. I opened it and skipped right to the middle in the book store and read a few chapters and I wanted to poke the male love

I'm excited because once S&M jumps the shark, maybe all the people I know who are so 'edgy' and 'kinky' will finally shut up about it now that even their grandmothers' are no longer shocked by it. Maybe it's my limited experience, but seems like 'fetish community' is another term for 'Theater kids:All Grow'd Up!'

Well the Fifty Shades movie looks about as stupid as the book. I could not get thru two pages of that crap. And I have close friends who just raved about it.